Fitness lessons to learn from Mira Rajput Kapoor

Mira Rajput Kapoor takes her fitness seriously, her Instagram account serves as an inspiration to her 2.8 million followers.

Mira is a fitness freak, she said "Good health isn’t a destination but a journey."

She is an inspiration for many, and today, we are sharing the best fitness lessons you can learn from her.

Recently, on Instagram, she talked about the healthy benefits of Anulom Vilom breathwork and the positivity it brings in.

Start mornings with breathing exercises

 From fun prints, pastel hues and bold colours, her workout wardrobe is definitely something you may want to take some inspiration from.

Co-ord sets are must

She has been very vocal about her love for organic foods, how she prefers salads for her snacks, and loves spending time on DIY concoctions.

Follow a healthy diet regime

Mira Rajput Kapoor’s fitness regime includes HIIT training because it is an excellent choice for those looking for consistent and quick results.

Introduce HIIT training in your routine

Rajput Kapoor recently shared a video on her Instagram where she makes a strong case for training in the outdoors

Open environment for some motivation