Deepika Padukone Must-Read Quotes

Deepika Padukone is an accomplished Indian actress known for her versatility and impactful performances on the big screen.

Here are Deepika's most empowering quotes to read to lead an amazing life.

Deepika Padukone Quotes

" The fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest. "

"Maybe because I am from a sports background, I don't give up easily. I am a fighter. "

"You need to feel like you're wearing the clothes, and they're not wearing you."

"The challenge is to keep working harder and doing better."

“I think what you achieve in your life is the result of your own talent and hard work.”

“I don’t think I am a star;   I Consider myself like any other girl who is of my age.”

“It’s good to be slightly ambitious, but I believe one shouldn’t be too calculative.”