HomeRule BreakersFawn Bowe: Revolutionizing Personal Care with Sustainable Science at biöm

Fawn Bowe: Revolutionizing Personal Care with Sustainable Science at biöm

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As part of the Morning Lazziness series about empowering women who encourage and do incredible things with their ideas in society, I had the pleasure of interviewing Fawn Bowe.

Fawn Bowe is the co-founder and cosmetic chemist behind biöm, a personal care e-commerce brand focused on creating effective and eco-friendly products. With a deep understanding of cosmetic chemistry and a personal drive to develop safe, sustainable solutions, Fawn’s mission is to offer transparent alternatives in the personal care industry.

Her journey began with her own struggles with sensitive skin, which inspired her to create products she could trust. This led to the launch of biöm’s flagship product, NOBS Toothpaste Tablets, a fluoride-free, eco-conscious alternative powered by nano-hydroxyapatite to promote oral health without harmful chemicals.

Fawn’s career is defined by her commitment to transparency and scientific integrity. She combines her technical expertise with a passion for the environment, ensuring biöm’s products are not only effective but also sustainable. Her leadership and innovative approach have positioned biöm as a brand that consumers can rely on for both performance and ethics.

Here’s what we found out about Fawn’s daily routine, followed by an exclusive Q+A.

Can you share the journey that led you to become an entrepreneur and the inspiration behind starting your own business?

My journey into entrepreneurship began with frustration. I worked as a cosmetic chemist, developing products for other brands, but I kept running into limitations when it came to transparency and ingredient quality. On a personal note, I’ve also struggled with sensitive skin for years, which motivated me to create products that I could fully trust. The spark for biöm happened one day while brushing my teeth — I wondered, why are most oral care products filled with unnecessary chemicals? I wanted to create something innovative, eco-friendly, and backed by science, which led to our flagship NOBS toothpaste tablets featuring nano-hydroxyapatite.

As a woman in the business world, what challenges have you encountered, and what strategies have you used to overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges I’ve encountered is breaking through stereotypes in the male-dominated field of cosmetic chemistry. Early in my career, I often felt underestimated, especially in technical discussions. To overcome this, I made sure to constantly sharpen my knowledge and skills, staying up to date with the latest research and innovations in cosmetic science. I also learned to embrace my voice and not shy away from speaking up, even in rooms where I felt outnumbered. 

How do you effectively manage the demands of your professional life while maintaining a healthy personal life as an entrepreneur?

It’s definitely a juggling act! I’ve learned to create boundaries. For example, my mornings are reserved for creative work, while evenings are family time — no work allowed. I also use mindfulness techniques, like journaling and 10-minute meditation sessions, to help me stay grounded. There are seasons when things get overwhelming, but I’ve realized that taking time to recharge helps me come back sharper and more effective.

What networking strategies have proven most effective in building meaningful connections within your industry?

I’ve found that attending niche industry events is incredibly valuable, but the real connections happen outside of official sessions—over coffee or in post-panel conversations. One networking strategy that has worked well is following up with specific action points. For example, after a trade show, I might follow up with an attendee by suggesting a product collaboration. It’s not just about saying hello—it’s about offering value right away.

How do you seek out mentorship, and what role has it played in your entrepreneurial journey?

I believe mentorship happens both formally and organically. I joined a few entrepreneurial communities where I connected with experienced founders, and I also seek out mentorship in unconventional ways — like listening to podcasts or reading books written by entrepreneurs I admire. Mentorship has been a game-changer. It has helped me avoid costly mistakes and given me the confidence to trust my instincts.

What strategies have you found most effective for selling your products and reaching your target audience?

Our most effective strategy has been leaning into education-based marketing. NOBS Toothpaste Tablets contain nano-hydroxyapatite, a lesser-known but powerful ingredient that’s often new to customers. So, we create easy-to-understand content that highlights the science behind it. By offering free samples to bloggers or dentist offices, we let people experience the benefits firsthand.

We also embrace customer feedback as part of our sales strategy. Listening to early users led us to tweak our product line, which has boosted customer loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations—two key drivers of sales growth for us.

What marketing techniques have you employed to promote your products successfully, and how do you measure their effectiveness?

One marketing technique that works well for us is micro-influencer collaborations. Instead of chasing big names, we partner with everyday influencers who genuinely align with our brand values. We track the success of these partnerships not just through follower counts but via engagement metrics like comments, reposts, and direct conversions.

Can you describe a significant setback or failure in your business and the steps you took to recover from it?

Early on, we launched a product without properly forecasting demand, and we ran out of stock within a few weeks. While that sounds like a good problem to have, it was a logistical nightmare. We missed out on several sales opportunities and had frustrated customers. To recover, we improved our inventory management system and set up pre-orders to avoid disappointing customers in the future. It was a tough lesson, but it made our processes much stronger.

What key piece of advice would you offer to aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting their journeys?

Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. If I could go back, I would’ve launched biöm sooner instead of waiting until every detail felt “just right.” Your product, your brand, and even you will evolve over time — that’s part of the process. Also, build your network early. Having people you can turn to for advice, collaboration, or emotional support makes all the difference.

Is there a specific mantra or quote that resonates with you and guides your actions as an entrepreneur?

One quote that has always guided me is, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that count” by Winston Churchill. This resonates with me because entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster ride. You’ll experience highs and lows, but the key is to keep moving forward, learning from each moment, and staying resilient. That mindset has helped me push through challenges and celebrate even the small wins along the way.

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