HomeEntrepreneurshipThe Benefits Of Buying Wholesale Clothing Online 

The Benefits Of Buying Wholesale Clothing Online 

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Buying online has never been more accessible. Thanks to the technology boom, you can now order just about anything via the internet, with wholesale clothing no exception.

For retailers and fashion boutique owners, this provides a new and straightforward way to source wholesale clothing, ordering online and directly to a store or warehouse. By ordering wholesale clothing online retailers can enjoy a number of benefits, which are explained in this article.

Buying online saves time and sometimes money 

Where a busier fashion retailer is restricted with time and often budget, online clothing wholesalers save the hassle of having to visit showrooms directly, as well as offering wholesale clothing at great discounts. Fashion retailers are even able to register online with wholesalers to access better prices and benefit from other perks such as free shipping. 

Provides a greater choice of clothing 

RULE NUMBER ONE: Always try to see your clients in person because you can’t kiss their ___ over a computer… AND… RULE NUMBER TWO… If you don’t schmooze, you lose! (And if YOU don’t see your clients in person on a regular basis, someone else will…and you could possibly wind up losing some of those clients, even though you may have been doing a great job for them.) Copy: One of the most important things in any business is keeping your clients and customers…and keeping them happy. One of the other most important things in business is working well with your co-workers and keeping them happy, too. And, aside from always trying to do your best to do good work for them, and aside from always being straightforward and honest with your clients and co-workers, one of the most important things in business is to build a good working relationship with your clients and everyone you work with so they are comfortable working with you and trusting you. And for better ways of communicating with your clients and co-workers, here are some things to always keep in mind: 1) First, always keep in mind the age-old mantra of customer relations… “The customer is always right!” (Even if you think they’re wrong, figure out how to deal with it and then move on.) 2) If you’ve got good news to deliver…deliver it in person! 3) If you’ve got bad news to deliver…deliver it in person. Don’t text it. Don’t email it! And don’t ever send anything over the internet, and don’t put anything in writing that could embarrass you if it winds up on the Evening News…or even worse…in court! Got that? Be very careful what you say and whom you say it to…and always keep in mind another age-old mantra… “Loose lips sink ships!” Sub-head: So, is the success of your business and the success of your career at your company dependent on a lot of office politics? Absolutely YES! And, some of the first things you need to know wherever you work and whatever your job is…are things like… A) Who’s in charge, who does what, and who reports to whom? B) Plus, you need to know what your job is and how it gets evaluated. You also have to study office politics. (And try to keep your thoughts to yourself.) Plus, start reading up about your industry and your competition and learn as much as you can about everything related to your business because that knowledge and those skills will help you advance. Also, be on the lookout for opportunities at other companies because you may have to leave your current place of business to help you advance a lot faster! Other than that, do your best to do a good job and if you have any questions about anything, ask. NOW…HERE ARE SOME MORE RULES TO SUCCESS IN BUSINESS AND SUCCESS AT YOUR JOB: 1) Never do anything to endanger your clients! 2) Never do anything to endanger your boss! 3) And never do anything to endanger your job! Plus… 4) Don’t say anything stupid! 5) Don’t do anything stupid! 6) Don’t post anything stupid on the internet! 7) Don’t ever say anything racist or sexist or politically incorrect! 8) Never talk to the press, unless that’s your job! 9) Learn how to refer things to your management and their attorneys… 10) And don’t brag…Be humble…and more people will like you a lot more. Also, if you’re making a lot of money, don’t be in a hurry to show off your success. Take it easy on the jewelry and the clothing you might wear at the office. AND…GETTING BACK TO COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR CLIENTS AND ENTERTAINING YOUR CLIENTS… Here is a funny story about things to think about when entertaining your clients: Many years ago, I met a salesman who didn’t entertain his clients much after work. Generally, he would go straight home to his family. His sales were pretty good, so it was tough for the powers that be to get rid of him. Then, one day, some people in management told him that they wanted him to spend some more time entertaining his clients after work. So, he started to stay out late and entertain his clients a lot more, and a few months later, the same management people that didn’t like him in the first place said, “He’s not much of a family man,” and shortly after that, they fired him, even though his sales were very good. Politics…it’s all politics. In most cases, one person can do just as good a job as another, and to keep your job, learn how to navigate the office politics. And to keep your clients, learn how to navigate their office politics. And to keep your customers, learn how to navigate their politics. Also, read a lot of books about business. Read a lot of books about your industry. And one book that everyone should read immediately is Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” It will stand you in good stead throughout your business life and throughout all your years. NOW…FOR COMMUNICATING BETTER WITH YOUR CLIENTS, CUSTOMERS, AND CO-WORKERS… 1) Remember…always try to see them in person as often as you can. 2) If you can’t see them in person, call them! Don’t just text them. Don’t just email them. See them in person. Talk to them in person. If you can’t see them in person because of Covid or for any other reason, call them. 3) Build a good working relationship with everyone you work with. Don’t argue! Don’t yell, and don’t ever curse at work! 4) Keep your nasty thoughts and comments to yourself… 5) And…learn how to master the arts of Flattery and to appeal to a person’s Vanity. Flattery and Vanity…Flattery and Vanity…They could become some of the keys to success in all that you do. 6) Also, always keep in touch with your past and present clients with holiday cards, birthday cards, and interesting bits of information as often and as appropriately as they occur. And always keep in mind rule Number One…See your clients, customers, and co-workers in person as often as you can because you can’t kiss their ___ over a computer, and if you don’t schmooze, you lose. Here’s wishing you the best of success in communicating better with your clients, customers, and co-workers!

Where a website can provide endless scrolling, online clothing wholesalers can supply a huge selection of ranges for men, women, and children. Providing far greater choice and a wide range of styles, as opposed to those wholesalers who are limited by space within a clothing showroom. These online wholesalers will also often update their collections, in-keeping with the latest and upcoming trends to provide retailers with modern and trending fashion designs. 

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In addition to the choice of styles and designs, online wholesalers will provide plenty more choices for clothing and shoe sizes. This is ideal for those clothing retailers that carry ranges for plus-size or petite sizing. 

Online purchasing makes it easier to refresh retail collections 

Business clients

As it is so easy to browse and buy online, online clothing wholesalers have made it even easier and faster for clothing retailers to update their collections. Since it takes only a few clicks to buy wholesale clothing online, this can be delivered in a matter of days and in stores in no time. Customers will then benefit from a refreshing new clothing collection each time they shop or browse. 

Also Read: 8 Mistakes to Avoid While Dressing Up for a Dinner Date

Provides greater payment options 

With online ordering, payment can be made using a wide range of payment methods. This includes methods such as credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more. For businesses, this offers great flexibility and the ability to order from anywhere at any time using a range of methods. 

Access to customer support or a business account managers 

When ordering wholesale clothing online from a manufacturer/clothing wholesaler, retailers will often be provided with an account manager who will take care of all processing orders and deliveries. This person will be the first point of contact for any queries or concerns. This will provide peace of mind and reassurance that orders are being taken care of and payments are dealt with. This setup typically works best when returning to one wholesaler to make recurring orders. Alternatively, wholesalers will also have customer support teams to assist with enquiries and questions from retailers. 

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