HomeHerJourneyMental Awakening From Betrayals in Relationships by the founder Debi Silber

Mental Awakening From Betrayals in Relationships by the founder Debi Silber

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About PBT

“As per the research, there are five key stages that individuals go through in the process of post betrayal transformation, but most people get stuck in stage three, so I put these five stages into a program, and it blew up, and people wanted to see. Since I couldn’t leverage myself and I started another program which went crazy, so as I had done my research, I thought why not put all the programs, coaching, and everything under one roof that’s how I built the Post Betrayal Institute or PBT.” – Debi

Morning Lazziness is bringing to you an interview session with Ms. Debi Silber, the founder of PBT(Post Betrayal Institute).

In this session, we have managed to cover the journey of Debi from being a survivor of betrayal to mastering transpersonal psychology. 

My journey

“It’s my 30th year in business, and I was in health, personal development, and mindset, and then after two painful betrayals, I just needed to understand how the mind works, why people do these things, and how I can heal?. I enrolled in a Ph.D. program in transpersonal psychology, the psychology of transformation of human potential. And that study led to a pre-ground breaking discovery which changed my health, family, business and my life.” – Debi

Who betrays the most? Men or women?

“We have both men and women in our institute, and I think women are much more vocal about it as we’ve had over 50,000 women take our PBT syndrome quiz to see to what extent they are struggling. From the study, I think women are much more likely to be betrayed, and they are also more likely to seek help, but that doesn’t mean men don’t experience betrayal because they do.”- Debi

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