The happiest moments are when I feel I am helping souls to shine. Then my own soul shines more brightly too.
“It’s going to sound super cliche, but as a mother, most of my happiest moments are when I’m with my children. Those mundane moments in which everyone is settled down, and for once there are no arguments or chaos, and everyone is just in each other’s company and you feel amazing. Those are the moments I treasure the most. And they are often incredibly simple, such as sitting down to watch a movie, and everyone is miraculously silent and invested, or when we’re having a meal and everyone is sharing about their day and I’m filled with pride because I did that, I created this life. Sometimes I wish that my moments of happiness could be more impressive, or somewhat more epic. But you know what? being happy within the routine everyday life should be hyped up a lot more. One of my favorite memories ever is a picnic we had as a family, during a late summer afternoon, and things like that are what keep me going through the bad days.” – Rachel
“My happiest moment was when I started working with the team at Obesity Controllers Association. Most nutritionists could only dream of a career that allows them to practice their expertise but without the stress and burnout of hospital work. In my job, I get to pursue my passion and share my gift to the world without being constrained by systems outside of my control. It’s like living your dream every day.” – Isla

“Seeing strong women prosper and know their worth stirs up something great and giddy inside me. I know we are in the 21st century and maybe I should have already gotten used to this, but trust me guys, never take it for granted. Don’t take lightly the fact that you can buy, own, and drive a car, because around 150 yrs ago that would have been impossible. It still is in some parts of the world. I also love seeing women prosper in professions that are deemed for men. I once had an engine issue and a very able lady fixed my problem. I have never been happier. Maybe it’s just because I am a fervent feminist😁. Basically, I am happy being in a society that does not restrict women, meaning that young girls can aspire to be anything they want to be.” – Evelyn
“The happiest moment of my life was when I finally decided to quit the corporate world and venture out on my own. It was a leap of faith that was most satisfying. I remember feeling mixed emotions ranging from fear and exhilaration during that time, and I would re-do it all again if I could. It is so important to seek the things that give you self-fulfillment. We only live once, so it is our job to make the most out of this life experience.” – Emily Cooper

Happiness is the greatest blessing, and as a woman, my happiest day is my wedding day. A flawless wedding day has been a dream of every girl from childhood, and if the dream comes true, it will be the most beautiful and happiest day of her life.
When it comes to happiness, there are a variety of ideas and perspectives. Happiness is frequently derived from within. Learn to control your negative thoughts and face each day with hope. These are some of the things that make me happy personally.
- Spending time with my family and friends.
- Chocolates! You can see the brightest face in the universe if you give me this any time.
- Compliment! I believe that everyone, especially girls, would appreciate praise and would be delighted, and I am no exception.
- Kids! I get a huge broad smile just thinking about them.
- Nature! It makes me happy to get lost in it.
- It makes me pleased when others do small things to express their love for me. – Sherry Morgan

“I’m always the happiest whenever I set a goal and accomplish it. Setting goals, big or small, gives me a sense of well-being, and seeing the progress I make gives me so much satisfaction. And when I achieve and accomplish that goal, it gives me a sense of pride and contentment.” – Stacy Lewis
“This is actually a tough one, as there are several times where I would find myself in a very happy mood. Overall, I would have to say that my “happiest” moments would be those times when I have the entire family around the dinner table on the patio. This means my husband and all the kids – even the ones who are staying in a dorm room at the University.
Having everyone together just makes me feel happy and loved. It’s a great feeling for a parent to also have some bonding time with their kids and learn how their kids are evolving and growing up.” – Heather Welch
“I was the happiest when I decided I’ll start my own business. The decision came after years of hard work and professional development, and the moment I decided I’ll work for myself and realised that I was, indeed, capable of doing so was one of the most important and happiest moments of my life.
I think that women are generally constrained when it comes to professional development since we’re still expected to take greater responsibility in raising the family. However, I think that we can do it all! We shouldn’t have to choose between what society tells us we should do and our desires.
That said, when I finally decided to venture out to entrepreneurial waters, I felt the happiest, more victorious, and energized than I was ever before in my life.” – Emma Miles

“I’m happiest when the people I love and the team I pour into are finding joy and reveling in their successes. These amazing people in my life, my friends and family and colleagues are intentionally seeking out happiness. And in the process, we are making and holding space for each other and our loved ones and anyone and everyone looking to feel welcome and seen.
It’s the little moments. Someone’s big project coming to fruition. Client compliments. Laughing with my fiance. Getting into wholesome trouble with my best friend. Making a new hire. Realizing we’re going to profit and share in that. Knowing all the hard work we put into creating a culture where we can be our best selves and prioritize joy and love is paying off.” – Lindsay Pattan
“When you are happy, it’s contagious – and you want to spread that happiness to her. When you are with a woman, you want to make her feel good too. So, share the moment when you are the happiest with her. It’s a good way to start a conversation. You could also send her a sweet message or flowers. In that way, she’ll be even more likely to open up and tell you more about her life.” – Luke
“There is nothing more sacred in life than the inner peace and tranquility it brings. I am happiest when I am calm and without worries of conscience that would torment me. You can have all the material things you want, but if you do not have inner peace, your life loses its meaning. It is very important to me to be clear with myself, to clear up with others as well. Objectivity towards oneself is the main thing in this mission of finding serenity. I also accepted myself: my physical appearance, my family, what I am. I accepted my shortcomings and I laugh at them because that is how I send the message to stand firmly on my feet. I settle for small things. They make me as happy as the big ones.” – Ashley Dolan

“Playing with my grandkids, being with my family and friends, traveling to places on my bucket list, enjoying my customers and really great scents are things that make me happy daily, however, I would say I am truly the happiest when I am in my zone or what some would call a “flow state”.
When I get to experience time in the “zone”, I feel at peace with myself. Whether it is inline skating down the bike path at the beach, or playing drums to songs I have known since I am a teenager. Or maybe when I am editing photos in photoshop that I took on a recent trip or maybe meditating or getting a massage. Each one of those things creates contentment in me that is the core of my happiness.” – Roberta Perry
“I am happiest when I can make someone happy with my work. Since my work is based on exposing the meanings behind dreams, some people are often quite troubled with what their unconscious brain produces at night. When I can provide just a semblance of clarity and reassurance for these people, I feel like I have found my purpose in life and I am happiest knowing that I am helping others.” – Hannah Pierce

“It was a weeknight in December and I was cleaning up the kitchen and washing dishes after we’d finished eating supper. I put on one of my favorite Christmas albums to listen to while I worked. I sang along and really enjoyed it! Here and there I could hear my husband and daughter laughing as they played together in the living room.
I remember feeling so happy inside! Nothing extraordinary was happening, but there was so much joy to be found in the ordinary things that evening.
Sometimes we can make decisions to increase our happiness (eg, putting on the music you love) and sometimes we just need to pay attention and appreciate the good around us (eg. family members having a good time)!” – Errika Horner