HomeShopPlantsThe Best Workspace Plants You Can Get on Amazon

The Best Workspace Plants You Can Get on Amazon

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Emma says– Indoor plants not only give a sense of relaxed bohemian style to your home, but they also provide fresh oxygen to the home. You can’t deny that the deep greens can be refreshing for the eyes and generally give good vibes throughout the year. Research has indicated that merely gazing at something green can help us boost our productivity. Nature consumes us and enables us to stop and pause, replenishing us with energy.

“Naked” offices can be energy-draining, lifeless, and become quite depressing. Instead, choosing to have a greener setting can make people feel more comfortable and impact their day positively. So, here are the best workplace plants that you can find on Amazon. 

Lucky Bamboo Plant

Live Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboos are the perfect plants to keep on your desk. This is because they don’t take up much space and require very little maintenance. It’s easy to grow in a cube-shaped pot and can be shaped into intricate designs. Bamboo shoots don’t grow that high, so they won’t block your view if you keep them on your desk. They require very little light to grow so you don’t have to worry about finding the perfect spot for them in your office.

Peace Lily

Peace lily

With their gleaming foliage and long white blooms, peace lilies are a sight to see. They are excellent office plants since they don’t require much light and can survive the dry air produced by air conditioning.

They can also eliminate substantial amounts of pollutants including benzene, and formaldehyde, making them excellent air purifiers. These pollutants have been linked to inflammation of the eyes and headaches, which can reduce productivity. Since I had a peace lily on my desk, my effectiveness and productivity rate at work increased.

Jade Plant

jade plant

There’s no denying the sculptural beauty of a Jade plant with its long stems and heart-shaped leaves that resemble coins. In Feng Shui, jade is known as the Money Plant and is considered a good luck charm, bringing prosperity and success. The success of these succulents requires little care. Jade thrives in larger pots placed in a sunny spot. And you only need to water them when the soil is dry. The jade’s nourishing “chi” produces positive energy, making the jade plant an excellent addition to anyone’s office.

Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant

With a constant flow of inspiration coming from your business and all the hard work that goes into it, it is important to have a workspace that is green and alive. Plants are a great way to add life to your office, as well as promote creativity.

Different plants have different purposes in the workplace. Some plants create oxygen while others can help you create a fresher air supply or can act as natural humidifiers.

The plant I would recommend for entrepreneurs is the Ficus Elastica, also known as Rubber Tree Plant. This plant has been fantastic for my businesses because it helps reduce pesky toxins in the air like formaldehyde and benzene while increasing oxygen levels thanks to its large leaves and strong roots.

Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy

The Devil’s Ivy, also known as Pothos, is a type of evergreen vine. It has large leaves that come in dark and light colors. The plant adapts quite well to both low-light and bright office conditions and makes a lovely addition sitting on an office desk, shelf or table. Moreover, larger varieties of the plant look great in big pots on the office floor. 



The eucalyptus is a fast-growing evergreen tree that can reach more than 60 feet in its native Australia. And in the office environment, a potted eucalyptus plant helps create a relaxing mood with silvery leaves and a forest-like scent. The menthol qualities of this scent also work to open the sinus passages and clear your head. Plant your eucalyptus in a sizeable well-draining pot using high-quality potting soil. They require at least eight to ten hours of full sun and regular watering. Fertilize every few weeks in springtime and regularly prune to keep your plant healthy. You can dry the leaves by hanging the stems upside down out of the sunshine. Then use them in floral arrangements and wreaths. You can also take the cutting and grow a new eucalyptus plant.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Snake Plant, or Sansevieria, is one of the most efficient air-purifying plants. In addition to its high-level oxygen production, it produces oxygen during the night, making it suitable for keeping in bedrooms. The plant can endure long periods of low light, although it prefers sunshine. It also doesn’t like much watering – its roots will start to rot if they’re soaked for too long.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant with multiple excellent properties. It’s proven to produce plenty of oxygen while purifying the air from toxins like formaldehyde and benzene as a house plant. Aloe Vera is a succulent plant, which means it has engorged leaves that can soak and retain plenty of water and survive in a dry environment. It doesn’t require much attention, but it likes the sunlight – so keep it in a sunny spot.

This is the one plant that is best left alone, as they often thrive on neglect. All you need to do is make sure you set them somewhere near a window, where they can get sufficient sunlight
and simply water it every 2-3 weeks and that’s it!

Plus, what is special about this plant is that it comes with a ton of medicinal benefits, so once the leaves mature, you can remove them from the plant and squeeze out the gel, as it does have some amazing properties that help to quickly
heal burns, cuts, bruises, and sores.

Originally chosen because the aesthetics were very unique, it just looked really interesting. They are really easy to look after. This is a plus for someone who frequently forgets to water their plants. Luckily, this plant doesn’t seem to mind!

Another benefit is the air quality in any home office. Whether it’s placebo or happening, the air seems fresher, and it’s been discovered that Aloe Vera plants pull in toxins from the air, acting as a natural air filter in the room! Recommend!

Bonsai Tree-Lucky Bonsai

I happen to keep a Bonsai plant in my desk space because they help to enhance the aesthetic appeal of my office, and also because they also have multiple health and psychological benefits. These fascinating little plants usually don’t reach maturity until they’re at least ten years old, but it is also for that reason that I have found it makes for an excellent lifelong companion that you can bring along with you for a big chunk of your professional life. So, even if you happen to make huge shifts from job to job, you can rest assured that this little guy will be the one constant through thick and thin… that is as long you give it the proper care, patience, and attention that it deserves!

A Beautiful Cactus


We all know about the longevity of this favorite. These hardy plants are as tough as they look and offer interesting textures to your home. The best part about the cactus is that you don’t have to worry about forgetting to water it, since it can survive harsh climates, it can likely survive any office environment! Even better, you can get a few cacti to decorate the office, as they come in various shapes, colors and sizes. 

Color Orchids

Color Orchids

Beautiful, active, and long-lasting Phalaenopsis orchid in a lovely ceramic vase. They expect their purchase to last for months, and the most crucial component of plant maintenance is proper watering.

With our Simple Shot glass, caring for your orchid is a breeze. It simply needs watering once a week. Follow the instructions on the care tag carefully. Place in a low-to-medium-light environment. Coffee tables, kitchen cabinets, and restrooms all benefit from this material. Blooms should last 8-12 weeks if properly cared for.

Urban Jungle Red Maranta 

Urban Jungle Red

The Maranta genus comprises several unique species known as Prayer Pants that are related to the plant’s movements. The leaves of the Maranta open throughout the day to absorb as much light as possible, then close at night to rest, resembling hands folded in prayer.

Water the soil until it is completely saturated. Allow excess water to drain and the soil to slowly dry between waterings. It needs medium to bright indirect sunlight. To fertilize: Apply a balanced houseplant fertilizer at half strength once every other month during the warm growing months. The intensity of Sunlight should be partial.


Money Tree

money tree

A beautiful money tree can bring joy to your house or someone else’s day! It’s thought to bring money, good luck, and wealth to its owners, and with five pachira plants interlaced into one tree, it’s an excellent choice for plant décor. 

Blooms and Plants The 5″ Money Tree is a long-lasting indoor potted plant that is made up of five plants braided together to form a single tree. These popular, easy-to-grow indoor plants make beautiful ornamental plants and great gifts. Once a week, use 6 ice cubes or 1/2 cup water.

Make sure you’re working in a bright, indirect light area. The room’s temperature should be kept between 65- and 85-degrees Fahrenheit, with no temperature below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. It is best to avoid placing items near drafts.

ZZ Plant


The ZZ plant has shiny, dark green leaves with a waxy look. When the soil is dry, moisten it and then drain any surplus water. It can grow in both natural and artificial light. The ZZ Plant can withstand a wide range of environmental conditions. The ZZ plant will grow whether you can provide continuous care, travel frequently, or simply become distracted by the rigors of daily life.

Purple Shamrocks

Purple Shamrocks

The key to keeping a plant healthy is to place it in direct sunlight and to water it anytime the soil begins to dry out. Feed your shamrock during the growing season to encourage healthy development. From the fall to the spring, purple shamrock plants are active growers and flowerers, then go dormant in the summer. With its rich, vibrant purple leaves, Oxalis Triangularis, or purple-leaf shamrock, is a low-growing foliage plant that also makes an excellent interior plant. For decades, savvy gardeners have relied on this gorgeous leaf plant to add color to both the inside and outside of their homes.



Hibiscus can be grown alone in a pot or as a garden hedge in warmer climates; the huge, beautiful flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. This perennial houseplant will live and bloom for many years if given proper care; it blooms in the summer and fall, even all year in tropical locations. Hibiscus grows in direct sunlight and brings a touch of the tropics to your home or office’s windowsills, worktops, desks, and tables.

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