HomeNFTHow does Cryptocurrency Support Independent Musicians To Survive? Rito Rhymes(Music Rapper)

How does Cryptocurrency Support Independent Musicians To Survive? Rito Rhymes(Music Rapper)

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How does Dogecoin Support Music Artists?

“Initially dogecoin as a cryptocurrency, was used as a gratuity to meme developers on comments in social media. When I started posting my musical content on Twitter, I started receiving tips in tweets from people through a social wallet called MyDoge app. I see the potential for the NFT space in dogecoin, which I think a lot of people aren’t aware about. There is a special protocol which consist of a series of rules that they add on to dogecoin inorder to have NFT’s on dogecoin. I see a great potential in that space for artists as well to distribute their music and find a home that is supported by people who enjoy fun spirited music in that open market.” – Rito

Morning Lazziness is bringing to you an exclusive interview session with Mr. Rito Rhymes, Infotaining Rapper who recently performed a crypto rap at the Dogecoin Music Festival.

During the conversation, Rito shared with us his perspectives on how cryptocurrency could influence the future of the music industry, challenges faced by musicians nowadays, his experience performing a crypto rap, and many more.

Dogecoin Music Festival and Crypto Rap

“I was able to see many real people out there whom I have been following on twitter, and meet some faces apart from their crypto avatar. It was a great opportunity to perform a dogecoin rap, at the music festival since the initial crucial waves of the pandemic.” – Rito

Challenges Faced By Musicians 

“Music streaming payments are the lowest and inadequate to support talented musical artists. One of the other issues that bother musicians is the hacks that one has to juggle with, being a musician in today’s world would mean being a content creator, a marketing expert, branding and visual design expert, and navigating through the latest esoteric technologies emerging in the music industry and handling social media.

The musician makes music, they are not developers yet they have to stay at the bleeding edge which is often not user-friendly.  Being a musician is no longer about being a musician, it’s more about how you manage all the other things to support yourself as a musician. It’s very difficult for independent music artists.” – Rito

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