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Looking For FaceTime Sex? 8 Moves To Make up A Long-Distance Love

Emotional and physical intimacy is a must in any relationship – marriage and live-in as it helps to make a strong connection among partners. Spending a lot of time together is the best way to get to know your partners’ likes and dislikes. But, in a long-distance relationship where the couples are living far away unwillingly for several reasons, maybe they’re newly married, wanting to make a career or sometimes family issues or considerations, create hindrances in their intimacy or sex life.

With the advent of technology i.e. smartphones and the internet, partners can easily be fulfilling each other’s sexual desires, by staying in long-distance relationships.

In a long-distance relationship, partners find out each other’s desires via late-night phone calls, FaceTime, Skype calls, or chats.

Here are eight moves that help you to maintain a physical and intimate level. Also, make a strong connection or bond even when your partner is living far from you.

1. Use Remote – Controlled Sex Toys:

sex toys

The best part is that modern digital technology has made life easier for couples- especially for long-distance lovers. With the help of remote-controlled sex toys, you can easily make your sexual life interactive as it provides your genitals with the pleasure of sex and you enjoy an interactive experience with your partner via video sex call. 

“Using a sex toy without lube is like riding a horse without a saddle …painful, bumpy and you’re invariably sore the next day. “ – Elle Chase.

2. Video Call For Sex – Thanks to the inventor of a video call. 

It makes it easier for couples especially for those who are living far from each other. After spending a stressful and hectic day, one video call removes all your stress as well as sexual frustration when the couples see each other’s faces. 

face time sex

Through video call, you can spice up your chats by initiating the romantic talks by reiterating about the first meeting or kiss which definitely will turn your video call into a hot sexy call. 

Here, partners can easily share their sexual desires with each other and can also participate in sexual activities like staring at each other nude, kissing via phone call, taking off clothes one-by-one to seduce your partner, and lastly masturbation. These kinds of activities help couples to maintain a healthy, physical relationship in a long-distance relationship. 

“ Video makes this even better because you can see each other and that will make you feel more connected,” Doares says.

3. Send Photos – When you are getting dressed up for any special occasion

Capture some photos of yourself and send them directly to your partner. You can also do it in daily routine life as it is considered the best way to connect with your partner in a long-distance relationship. It also helps to keep transparency among partners which is a key factor in developing trust. Also when you are in a romantic mood, you can send nude photos to the partner as it makes your partner excited and definitely you will get a video call or a simple phone call. This lead to making couples healthier in long term relationship and also reduce stress when they talk with their better- half.

4. Plan Trips in Advance –

Try to meet each other from time to time as it will make your relation manageable and healthy. A long break may often create misunderstanding and to avoid that always try to plan some weekend meeting and have your sex life and normal life back on track with your partner.

5. Give Surprises To Each Other –

It is a great way to cheer up your relation to give surprise to your beloved on every approachable occasion. It may be your sudden visit to him/her or sending favourite merchandise. Also, technology helps us to instantly share e-commerce gift cards, so leverage those too.

6. Share Each and Everything with Each Other –

This is an old-age recipe to manage your relationship in all tough weather. We mean to say that always be transparent and share everything you are going through in your life so that your partner will have an idea about you even if your mood is off, therefore making no misunderstanding among you.

7. Watch Same Adult Movie –

Both of the partners must watch the same adult videos as it is a better way to excite and build intimacy among each other. Later on, partners can discuss the adult videos which moves or positions liked by them and try that moves when couples will meet with each other after a long period of time. If you continue the same thing with a simple phone or video call, surely you enjoyed it a lot.

8. Sexting –

Sexting is a great move to build physical intimacy with your partner, especially when you are living far away from each other. You must try new methods every day to catch the attention of your partner and it also makes your relationship healthier for a longer period of time.

Bathrooms and bedrooms are considered the best places to do fun with your partner when you are together. But, these places also work when you are in a long-distance relationship. At these places, you can take sexy photos of yourself and send them to your partner to maintain the intimacy level. Just think outside the box for effective and improved ways – you can even try the kitchen or some corner of your home – when there is no one at home.

How To Make A Girl Fall For You

We live in a world where everything is just a click away. Right from asking the most intimate questions or getting laid, everything is available on the internet. So, this leaves us with one question, “When do we make the real human connection?”. You are worried about relationships and looking for how to make a girl fall for you right? Let’s see them.

Though all our queries and desires can be fulfilled online, what really matters is the real human connection. There are many books written on the topic of what women want but not even one for real men. Even in this internet age, we are still relied on our brothers to help us please a woman. We are still deciding whether an expensive handbag or a dinner on the cruise shall do the trick and help take our relationship a notch up with that special someone.

5 Tips To Make A Girl Fall For You

But, gone are the days of impressing someone with money, women are seeking more intimate, deeper and meaningful relationships. These relationships are expected to embrace who they individually are along with expanding their characteristics to a more spiritual level in the presence of their current partner. It’s a game of complimenting each other, be it at sports or in bed. Therefore, today we shall list down a few pointers that can help you reach this level in your intimacy and make a girl fall head over heels for you.

1. Make an effort to know her

crushing over best friend

Before you ask her out on a date ensure that you have done your bit of the research. Carefully observe the things she likes as well as dislikes. What are her turn-ons and offs? What kind of places she visits, movies she likes or even the books she reads. These pointers may seem very basic, but they open the window for an interesting conversation and make a girl fall for you.

2. Make her feel wanted in the social circle

It is very important for any human being at the subliminal level to feel wanted and recognised. A woman feels wanted when a man shows her off like arm candy. Take her around in your friend circle and compliment her with your company among her friends as well. Let her girlfriends feel jealous and try to woo you, obviously, a little attention never harmed anyone.

3. Be there for her

It is very important for you to know what your lover is going through. If you can sense it in her voice or even the tone of her text, this will make her heart melt and fall for you. Surprise her at work if she is having a bad day or send her flowers when she is sick or even takes her dog for a walk when she is busy. These will earn you brownie points and some special treatment in bed.

4. Build intimacy

Everything around you can be sexy, it’s a matter of perspective. Make her feel naughty in public. Give her a hand in a dark movie theatre or under the table at the restaurant. Avoid premature ejaculation when she comes out to play. If you have this problem, don’t be ashamed, search for men’s delay spray online and you would be surprised by the number of people who sail in your boat. Whatever be the occasion, ensure to celebrate and satisfy each other’s body in bed.

5. Maintain the rhythm

It is very easy for a relationship to reach a mundane stage soon after its peak. Ensure that the rhythm of happiness is maintained. Plan trips together or even visit a friend’s barbecue to get a free drink but keep doing things together to ensure that the heat and the rhythm of your relationship are maintained. This will make a girl fall for you surely.

With these pointers, even after 35 years of marriage or just 3 months of a relationship, she will fall head over heels for your, every single day.

Is Masturbation Good For Health?

With the running pace of life, it’s hard to keep up with work and have the energy for fun later! Your night of pleasure goes from a hot spicy date night to a boring good night’s sleep. But what’s life without a little excitement?

Masturbation has been the ultimate gift; the experience of discovering your body, what makes you tingle, what gives you goosebumps, and what makes you hot and steamy is beyond erotic! A night in bed with dim lights and sensual music playing in the background while touching yourself in the right places as you increase the pace, from slow to rough, is a bounty of sexual pleasure! However, people have often stopped to wonder- is masturbation really healthy?

How much is too much? The simple answer is – yes! Masturbation is good for your health, and nothing is ever too much! It is perfectly normal to do it on a daily basis or even on a weekly basis, as long as you don’t put off work or your daily routine to masturbate and don’t do it continuously for hours in a day, if the addicting pleasure gets into your system it gets hard to stop and may only then turn unhealthy.

Yes! Masturbation is a sinful yet tempting affair with your own body. It has benefits for both your mental and physical state, definitely keeps your needs attended to, and keeps you satisfied!

Here are a few health advantages:

– If you’re in a relationship or in the phase of having a crush, there is built-up sexual energy in you due to the overwhelming sexual tension; masturbation is key to releasing the bottled-up sexual craving.

– Women often resort to masturbation to relieve menstrual cramps or muscle tension; they replace pain with pleasure.

– Sometimes, a bad day at work or college could mess with your mind; the easiest, most pleasurable method of getting over a stressful day is masturbation as it decreases your worries and wipes out your troubles, and helps you get a good night’s sleep.

– The more you know your body, the more you can enjoy; being able to get yourself to orgasm successfully can help boost self-esteem and increase self-confidence.

– Self-masturbation could be really hot, whether you have a mental image of the stranger you passed in the street or erotica of your fantasy, the connection you have with your body helps stimulate your body and excite your mind! Using different sex toys can enhance the whole experience!

– It is the safest form of sex – no risks involved, and no disease is transmitted.

Masturbation helps you figure out your preferences in bed and the places on your body that make you weak in the knees or make you breathe a little heavier.

Final Words!

– Mutual masturbation can blow your mind, especially If you’re in a long-distance relationship; masturbation to your partner as they lose control and let go of their senses could really spice up your sex life.

In fact, you could find a sexy stranger or your lover be your jerk-off partner; while the both of you breathe harder out of pure lust, you can explore other parts of their body, maybe use whipped cream, chocolate, or syrup to play a little. While you lick and bite your partner, their touch will be hauntingly erotic to you. There are so many ways to make masturbation more sensual; ice is an amazing accompaniment! The cold and simultaneously warm sensation is sexually stimulating. It’s different and new, which makes it more interesting!

The cold and simultaneously warm sensation is sexually exciting. It’s different and new, which makes it more interesting!

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to have a little fun of your own!

10 Dating Tips from Chick Flicks


At some point or another, you’ve dated a woman who twisted your arm to watch some rom-com that made you want to poke your eyes out with toothpicks. Most likely, you spent the night thinking about your fantasy baseball league while staring at Katherine Heigl’s cleavage instead of picking up a few lessons on how to treat women.

Well, I can’t say that I blame you much. So, I jumped on the grenade, spent a weekend locked up with the worst of the worst and emerged with these 10 dating tips from chick flicks (and lots photos from one of the all-timers, The Notebook). Now you can spend your weekend watching Jason Statham blow things up instead of watching Rachel McAdams cry. Also, see how to make selfies with Dorian Rossini.

1. Chivalry isn’t dead

Despite what they told you at the latest pickup-artist seminar, women love being treated with old-fashioned respect. Sure, they want to be able to work outside the home and vote. That doesn’t mean they want to be treated like a man. They want you to open doors for them, pull out their chair, and even pass their order along to a waiter at the restaurant. Don’t be afraid to court in the manner of your grandfather.

2. Fortune favors the bold

You know the movie you saw about the dude who fell in love with a chick who didn’t like him until he stalked her? Well, listen, pal: Don’t do anything that will get you a restraining order, but dare to be different. Make gestures that will have you standing out from the pack. If she’s not immediately swept off her feet, keep at it. A lot of times, a woman won’t give you an outright “no.” It’s because she kind of likes the attention, and her heart might just be melting. 

3. Leave something to the imagination

Do you know what’s sexy? Mystery and suspense. You know the tingly feeling you get when things are just about to get sexy, but no one has taken the plunge yet? Pretty rad, right? She thinks so, too. Don’t throw all your cards on the table at once. Let her pull them out a bit. Then, when you’re standing on the precipice of intimacy, don’t be afraid to drag it out a little. Forward motion is essential, but go ahead and slow things down a little bit. She’ll thank you for it, sexually speaking.

4. Get in touch with her feminine side

There’s no question about it: femininity is hot and sexy. She puts time into making herself look good, and you need to appreciate it. Try to take notice of things like when she gets her hair or nails done. And of course, make sure you pay extra attention to her lady regions after she grooms them. Use every action possible to acknowledge her beauty. It will only have her trying harder to look hot for you.

5. Get in touch with her inner woman

Get your mind out of the gutter. What I mean is, learn as much as you can about female psychology in general, as well as her female psychology in particular. It’s going to give you a leg up in the relationship, help you to avoid the nightmares of past relationships, and allow a higher degree of emotional intimacy between the two of you.

6. You can’t love others until you love yourself

Start training yourself in the ways of self-love, and I don’t mean the kind you spent most of high school engaging in. Appreciate yourself, almost to the level of narcissism. Nothing is more attractive than a man who is confident as hell.

7. Get comfortable

You know all those scenes in chick flicks where the guy is feeding her pizza, and what not? That’s a comfort. One way that you get a new dog to build trust with you is to hand feed it. Women aren’t dogs, and there are other ways to establish this kind of comfort (like, you know, listening), but the basic principle remains. You want women to feel comfortable around you. That’s a lady killer that no amount of money can buy. You can learn a lot more about creating comfort here.

8. Play kino

At the Art of Charm, we talk a lot about “kinesthetic touch.” Do you know what that means? Body contact. You want to start getting it in as early as you can. A simple hand on the shoulder can break down barriers. You’ve shown her that physical touch between the two of you is OK. Trust me; you’ll be amazed at how quickly something like an arm around a woman’s waist can have her all over you.

9. Adventure is hot

Do you know what women love? A guy who wants to come by in the middle of the night and take them to the beach on a day that didn’t go so great. Women like adventure and excitement. You don’t have to be Indiana Jones to bring excitement into her life. You have to be thoughtful and spontaneous.

10. Push the envelope

Whether it’s sexually or otherwise, don’t be afraid to cross a few lines. You’re the man. You’re supposed to be the aggressor, the initiator, the one pushing things forward. Don’t worry, tiger. She’ll let you know when your stock car is running in the red. Until then, don’t sweat it and as we’ve said before, ask for forgiveness, not permission.

5 Unconventional & Sexy Gift Ideas for your Girlfriend

Every woman loves to get surprised with gifts. Men can present their ladylove with unique and naughty gifts that will benefit the couple. 

Although finding that unique and special sexy gift for your girlfriend can be tricky, there are a few things that your love is bound to like. It gets especially more laborious if your girlfriend has everything from fashionable apparel and makeup to perfumes and accessories. 

These are some sexy gift ideas that you can give to your girlfriend and make sex exciting. Don’t worry; we have done some research to find that erotic and kinky gift for your girlfriend that she will love, and probably you will too.

Sex toys like clitoral stimulators, masturbators, massage oils, and wild games are up to the ante for your girlfriend. It will make your girlfriend happy and also increase bedroom fun.

Choose a sex toy that comprises good material and is waterproof, not something that you see the first time you enter the adult store. Each sex toy is unique and will give fantastic results depending on what you like as a couple.

If you go to an online adult store to buy sex toys, you can see various options side by side and will make a better choice.

The following are the sex toys that can make superb sexy gifts for your girlfriend.

Clitoral Vibrator:

clitoral vibrator

Clitoral vibrators make sex stimulating for your lady. Give it to your girlfriend, and she will love you for it. Women can use it to get an orgasm without penetrative sex. There are hands-free ones also available that can be used during sex so that hands are free.

Orgasm cream:

The orgasm cream or balm increases the sensitivity in erogenous areas like the clitoris and nipples. It can be used to help the sexual experience during solo play or with a partner. It is safe for oral consumption, so if you want to slather some on your girlfriend and give her oral stimulation, it will shoot the orgasms through her body at lightning speed.

Strap on dildos:

Lovehoney Advanced Unisex Strap-On Harness Kit with 7 Inch G-Spot Dildo

These are risque and exciting sex toys, especially if your girl loves double penetration. Strap-on dildos for kinky sex are common in couples who love to take sex games on another level.

Remote-controlled vibrators: 

We-Vibe Sync

Remote-controlled sex toys can operate these vibrators in a pair of lace undies. Gift a pair to your girl and switch the sex toy on. Even when you aren’t right next to her, you can give her pleasure without touching. Be naughty and use it as a foreplay method.

Nipple Stimulators:

A nipple stimulator is a great device to have your girl moan with pleasure while you are busy with her clitoris. If you wish to enjoy the world of fetishes, you can try using multiple sex toys to get into the world of orgasm. Your girl will love it!

There are hosts of other gifts like discreet restraints, bangles that turn into handcuffs, or a necklace that turns into a whip that will spice up your sex life. Your girlfriend will love that fluffy whip or a pack of playing cards that show the position you get to have sex in for that day.

So do your research and choose one of these super-naughty and sexy gift ideas to surprise your girlfriend!

Can a Girlfriend Dump You Because You’re Going, Bald

The scalp hair is one of the essential parts of the body. That is why all of us want to have attractive hair. Because of different factors, people lose hair. Sometimes, it is possible to stop hair loss, but some people may not stop losing hair. As a result, hair thinning or baldness takes place. The appearance of a person badly suffers when thin or bald spots appear on the scalp.

Going bald entirely is a painful thing, no one wants to have. The romantic life is also likely to suffer due to hair fall problem. To avoid all possible harms due to hair thinning or balding, hair restoration surgeons suggest hair transplant. This article discusses how harmful can lose hair for a man. If you want to know the bad effects of hair thinning and baldness, this guide is for you.

Would You Date a Bald/Balding Person?  

This is an important question in our routine life, and there is no true answer to it. Different people have different preferences. If you like the person, you accept that person without hair. Mean to say, this question has mixed answers, and some people speak in favour of bald guys, and some are opposed to being bald forever.

bald man

Honestly, it is the choice of the individual. We can only discuss this topic to educate people about this important topic. Physical appearance leaves a temporary impact, but it is a big reality. In most cases, the first impression is the last impression. And in today’s world people give much importance to the appearance of the person.

Your real friend will not leave you because of if you have gone bald. However, this can happen if you are not paying attention to your partner. It is more important to be attractive from the inside, and this kind of attractive lasts forever.

Do Baldness Affect Romantic Life?  

It is true that the appearance of the man means a lot when it comes to dating. We always consider physical appearance when it comes to starting a relationship. That is why baldness can affect one’s romantic life. If not affect badly, it can surely limit a woman’s choices. Some guys have shared their sad stories on the internet about how their partner left them when they bald or going bald.

Your partner may think about breaking up with you if you are not according to their requirements. They may consider leaving you due to a variety of reasons. In some cases, a woman just needs an excuse to start living with another friend. If your partner has left you because you went bald, it is not your mistake. Such kind of accidents can happen to anyone. Baldness can occur to the women too, and they should not leave a guy due to this issue.

Notable Hair Restoration Options

If a person is going through abnormal hair loss, thin areas have developed in the scalp, or balding has started, different options are available to fix these issues. If bald or thin areas have already developed in the scalp, that person can turn to a hair transplant treatment to start growing hair naturally once again. The side effects after having it are not severe.  

bald man

For thin areas, platelet-rich plasma therapy may work well because it can trigger hair growth. Other hair loss treatments are available, and a person can benefit from them if an expert suggests them. These treatments only deliver the desired results if a person qualifies as a good candidate. Contact a professional to know if you can take it or not.

Hair Regrowth: Concluding Remarks

You have read how hair thinning, and baldness can make problems for a person. If you are a victim of hair thinning or baldness, you should try a suitable hair transplant treatment to learn more. It is a surgical and minimally invasive procedure that can harm the area for a short time.

How much does it cost? Can you undergo it? If you are interested in hair restoration, you may have questions to ask. A hair restoration surgeon is the right person to speak to if you want to learn more about it.

Wish you all the best for your hair regrowth journey.

How To Save A Failing Relationship? 10 Sweet Things To Help You Out


Every relationship suffers from ups and downs. It’s on couples how they manage to bring their relationship – back on track, but few tips come handfuls. 

Here are ten sweet things to save your stressed relationship and keep the love flourishing. 

1. Confess that slip-ups have been made.

We know breakups are the toughest part of every relationship. And, confessing mistakes can be one way to protect your love life. 

Some people don’t want to admit their mistakes in front of their loved ones because of their egos. But once you accept your blunders, it will make your relationship flourish.

2. Always learn to negotiate and try to compromise in a relationship.   

There are many reasons to end the relationship, but there are only a few reasons to save a relationship. First, you should learn to negotiate and try to compromise in your relationship – it’s worth doing. 

3. Be honest and point out what’s troubling you.

Communication is always vital. And doing honest communication is more significant than everything; also, it can intensely fix a near betrayal connection between couples. 

So, try to be honest with each other. It will surely help both of you to realize the importance of a relationship.

4. Listen back to yourself of the things that made you love your significant other.

Memories are an excellent way to remember healthy-past times. 

Often, couples become too engaged and ignore the ones that matter a lot. Hence, memorizing helps people understand that sometimes you are delighted and making love with that individual, and the best thing is, you can fetch that day back again.

5. Spend a silent and peaceful time together.

The disturbance of the big metropolitan cities often brings anxieties and stresses to your work that may make you feel down. 

Talk to your partner, cook with them, visit a beach, and soon be good to go.

6. Take a break from the regular schedules of your relationship.

Sometimes, taking out time for yourself – is considered to be beneficial for a relationship. 

Take a break from everything, get your car keys, and go for a long drive – only YOU. It gives you enough time to revitalize your relationship. 

7. Never try to change people according to what you consider is best.

Never try to change your partner; accept them the way they are. Involve in each other’s hobbies, pen down the things that you guys like to do. Share the list that will make your partner understand what you are into and what they are? 

8. Respect your dissimilarities.

Every person is different, so are their views and opinions. Hence, respect each other’s differences and enjoy every day with your partner.

9. Never hurt each other.

Even while arguing, never use bad words that could hurt your partner. Try to resolve issues calmly and practice meditation together – it relaxes the mind.

10. Open your heart and forgive easily.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean you are inferior, but for you, your relationship is, above all. Therefore, be open and forgive your partner, don’t let the situation get worse.

How to Deal With Anxiety In The Relationship?


“She is interested in other men.”

“He is not attracted to me anymore!” 

 “Why can’t it just be like it was in the beginning?”

 “He never acts as excited to see me when I come home.” 

These are the questions that often cause anxiety in relationships. The doubts are not just doubted in some cases, but overthinking these matters can cause psychological problems. By following simple guidelines from a psychologist or relationship experts, we can solve great relationship problems.

How to deal with relationship anxiety? Treatment of anxiety makes sure the patient avoids negative thoughts and lives a better life. This article discusses how a person can deal with anxiety in a relationship. If you want to handle ups and lows in a relationship, this topic is for you.

Relationships and Anxiety 

Relationships are important to us, and they can be the best thing in our life. However, a relationship can be quite problematic for us too. There are indeed ups and downs in a relationship, but what if a relationship is down most of the time? What to do if a person is not doing any good to you despite your love, care, and affection?

It often happens that your partner seems interested in another person. Some people are quite possessive when it comes to relationships. These people want to get proper attention from their wives or husbands. If their spouse or friend changes due to any reason, they become stressed and sad, which badly affects their lives.

Some of them even develop serious mental illnesses, such as anxiety. You may already know that dealing with anxiety and depression is not easy, and a person with depression or anxiety may not be able to handle the situation alone. If you have developed mental problems due to a relationship, you should consult a relationship expert or a psychologist.

Dealing With Anxiety in Relationships

Relationships involve dilemmas and confusion from dating, engagement to divorce. Often, minor misunderstandings can result in severe relationship problems. Most of the time, doubts, misunderstandings, and insecurities cause relationship anxiety and depression. Diagnosis and treatment in such situations can be performed in two stages:

  1. Where does our insecurity come from? In the first stage, the person has to identify the reasons behind feeling insecure. Insecurities are one of the leading causes of relationship problems. If you are feeling sad due to a relationship issue, chances are it is due to insecurity. So sit and think about what makes you feel sad and lonely. 
  2. How to deal with relationship insecurity? We have to first get to know our critical inner voice so that we can challenge our insecurity. Feeling insecure is not right if there are no definite reasons for that. Ask yourself about the reasons if you feel insecure. Try to fix your issues yourself before turning to a psychologist.

If you are not able to handle anxiety alone, you should contact a professional at the earliest. Taking the right steps is highly recommended before it is too late. Treatment of anxiety may include taking medications and attending therapy sessions.

Understanding Relationship Intelligence

Relationships are so important to us, and we sacrifice a lot to maintain a relationship. That is why we should not make extreme decisions due to minor lows in a relationship. If your husband did not speak well, that does not necessarily mean that there is another woman in his life. Similarly, if your wife is mad at you, that does not necessarily mean she no longer wants to stay with you.

Fixing Relationship Anxiety: The Bottom Line 

Now you know the importance of relationship intelligence and how a person can handle relationship anxiety. It takes time to learn the best practices that keep your relationship safe. If you feel sad or stressed due to a recent occurrence in your relationship with another person, you should not be worried and try to know the reality and decide based on the truth.

It is always helpful and kind to take professional help. So do not feel ashamed of trying the latest treatment of anxiety if you are diagnosed with anxiety. Do you need more details about this topic? You can contact a professional if you want to get information about this treatment. So get in touch with a provider in your town with a list of questions and get more details.

Want To Stop Missing Your Ex-Boyfriend? 10 Tips You Must Be Knowing

Ahhh! We got you, darling! We are here to help you stand back, and we urge you to open your arms again. Also, guide you to fly again, withholding no regrets. But, before that, you need to stop missing your ex-boyfriend!

What happens when someone special, someone close to your heart, leaves you? Your mind juggles with their thoughts and memories, tears roll down your cheeks, and you just can’t stop scrolling over the old pictures. Somewhere you feel empty and lost.

Promptly, every beautiful thing in your world seems to lose its color, and everything is gloomy and gray, and you don’t think you’ll ever be able to see beyond the fog.

Still Missing Your Ex-boyfriend?

You want to move on from your ex-boyfriend but can’t help it. After all, you have put so much love, effort, and time into this relationship, and swiftly, that important person who once used to stay, “I will never leave you and always keep you happy,” gives you the reason to cry. And you mourn and grieve and try to make it through the day.

How To Stop Missing Your Ex-Boyfriend For Good?

Is there still a probability you’re thinking of getting back with your ex? Tell us, would you be able to share that sweet-lovable bond again? This can be tricky to answer. However, going back to that person who broke up with you and left you in grief doesn’t make any sense. It seems to enjoy reading the book again and again when you already know how the story ends.

If you’re trying to figure out what to do to stop missing your pesky ex-boyfriend, here are 10 ways to live happily again.

1. Stop blaming yourself

All the ladies out there ask you to remember one thing: breakup is not the fault of a single person; both partners equally contribute and make mistakes – to end a relationship.

And if he cheated – that doesn’t mean you are not good enough, and that other woman is prettier, smarter, or hot. You should not take all the things in the wrong sense. This kind of attitude brings unhealthy thoughts and makes you doubt yourself only.

2. Try not to contact your ex-boyfriend

We understand what you’re going through, his absence is killing you, and your heart is asking you to contact him and mend the things. Here comes the ‘no contact rule.’

According to this rule- One should avoid contacting her ex-boyfriend for at least 30 days. Doing this will also give him the chance to miss you, and in between, you get the time and space to clear your head. The 30 days no contact rule is helpful for several reasons; in the end, you gained your perspective and ability to build a healthier and happy place.

3. Just think about why you’re missing him

What do you miss most about your ex-boyfriend? He made you feel or the way he looks at you or the way he loves you. Was all of that a real missing feeling? When this question pops into your mind, the answers may come as a surprise.

This is when you need to analyze your feelings objectively and realize if you’re missing a beautiful bond or a habit. With the habit, you know what we mean – getting addicted to something. And yes, there is a difference, and in your heart, you will know it.

4. Give priority to yourself

Stop focusing on his needs, what he wants, and why you weren’t good enough for him. Focus on being the best of yourself. What are your needs? What do you want?

Think about – when was the last time you put your desires first and did all the things you wished for? While you were together, it was all about his happiness, making compromises, and neglecting the little self-care things.

But, now, you are all free. This is the time to look deep down within yourself and rediscover the things which make you happy. 

Set new goals, pursue your ambition, all for yourself. You know what the best part of being single is – that it’s all about you.

5. Stay busy

This is so, so important. Sleeping hands are the devil’s plaything. The less time you get to remember your ex-boyfriend, the more time you get to analyze the best things for yourself—all you need to replace his space in your heart by involving yourself in valuable activities.

Useful activities to stay busy don’t mean spending hours and hours scrolling on Instagram and checking him out. It means to keep working to fill your time and refuel yourself.

It can be hitting the gym, joining a baking class, learning a new hobby, getting into meditation, doing some volunteering work, and so on. Do the stuff that keeps your mind focused.

6. Set some goals

Staying busy with work – is an excellent opportunity to pursue your goals. Putting energy and hard work into those long-term achievements that repay you and gain your confidence back is a unique way to start your self-improvement journey.

No matter how long it will take you to stop you from missing your ex-boyfriend, you should be focused on your goals and let the time heal the wounds. Trust us; once you keep yourself busy, you no longer need a reason to look back.

7. Pen down your feelings

You know, writing things is the best way to get over emotions and beliefs. Pen down everything pinching you, how your relationship was, what you felt when he left you, and express it all. But make sure not to mail or text him.

The same thing applies to the letter. You don’t have to send a tear-drop letter to your ex-boyfriend weekly. He doesn’t even bother to listen to your emotions; this will not bring him back to you. You’re a brave girl; you’ll snap, like Britney in ’08.

8. Spend more time with friends and family

We understand the pain which is burning you. You are hell missing your ex-boyfriend. But, staying alone can worsen the situation. Hang out with friends, talk to your siblings, go out with girlfriends, friends-family therapy is better than consulting a professional therapist. Make sure when you are with your friends, avoid talking about him. The more you talk about him, the more you’ll think about him, and the more you’ll miss him. Give yourself a few days to get it all out and talk to all your friends.

All you need is to be surrounded by caring and loving people.

9. Travel to a new place

When things get tough, moving from them is sometimes considered a good thing. You are running to find yourself; you’re taking a break from your routine.

Go and explore a new place, learn the local language, experience new things, and incredible welcome stuff with open arms. It’s a way to reset the system, and softly you stop missing your ex-boyfriend. And who will even have time to forget that loser ex when there’s so much to see?

10. Try not to torment yourself with reminders

This is something you’re aware of but probably found it challenging to do. Wherever you turn around, you get to see your and your ex’s picture, either on a bedside table or the refrigerator.

Just move all the visuals of your ex-boyfriend around the house, and if they are pictures, burn them all. Throw away the jewelry, cute teddies, sentimental gifts, and t-shirts that smell like him. Your house must have nothing which reminds you of him.

And now!

If you want to move on, stop missing your ex-boyfriend, and start following the steps described in the article. Also, keep your mind focused and put yourself first. Soon you will find a happy version of yours, and who knows, someone else is waiting for you right at the corner of the road.

How To Keep Personal & Professional Life Apart


Due to advances in technology and variations in work patterns, maintaining a work-life balance has become extremely difficult. However, proper management of personal and professional life is essential. It entitles you to get enough rest so that you can fulfill personal as well as work needs. Work-life is also necessary for maintaining sound physical and mental health.

Given below are some pointers which you can follow to balance and maintain your personal and professional life successfully:

Decide the most critical roles in your life:

A person may play a variety of purposes either at one time or in different phases of life. He may be a child, student, sibling, employee, employer, significant other, parent, etc. Though we try to fulfill all these duties separately, yet sometimes these roles do overlap. So, prepare a list of your roles in your regular life and decide which ones are most important to you.

In this connection, I can recall an incident where I had to meet a deadline to deliver a project; however, I had to look after my parent, too, who had to be admitted to the hospital right away. Thus, I chose to attend to my parent, prioritizing my urgency.

Try to have a fixed timing:

If you do not have fixed working hours, try making some time for yourself and stick to them. Try to give yourself a few days’ breaks every week. In this way, you can get the opportunity to take a rest and engage in family activities.

Don’t accept unreasonable work requests:

If your head assigns you a task that does not fall under your duties, learn to refuse the offer politely. Allow your supervisor to know your limits. Just remember that only working hard is not life. There should be a proper equilibrium between your private and professional life.

Prioritize your professional tasks:

All tasks do not have the same priority. Give more attention to deadline-driven projects. Try to stay away from interruptions and other unimportant tasks. Keep some time only for work when you can work consciously without any disturbances. Don’t try to be a perfectionist. Try to do your work in the best manner possible. Accept your mistakes and always earn from them.

Assign work to others as much as possible:

Don’t try to complete all the tasks by yourself. If you have people who work with you, attempt to allow them a certain amount of tasks. This will reduce your workload considerably.

Try to minimize your distractions while working:

Note down the things that distract you from work. It may be social media, texting friends, watching television, playing games, etc. While working, make sure to reduce these distractions, to which you are especially drawn. Don’t check your emails and messages frequently while working. These activities take away a lot of time and cut down on your efficiency. Reduce the time you spend on the Internet, posting and checking posts on social networking sites. Don’t talk too much with co-workers during work time.

Manage personal & professional social media accounts:

Don’t make your personal life too public on social media. Understand the information that needs to stay confidential. Also, don’t post offensive content on social media as these hurt your life.

Focus only on your personal life after work hours: One highly effective way to keep your personal and professional life apart is not to think about work when at home. Thinking about practice and deadlines at home disrupts your own life. Do not bring thoughts about work at home. Set aside a specific time limit for your business conversations while at home. Don’t talk much with your co-workers on your holidays. While at home, try to concentrate only on family matters, hobbies, and personal interests.

Make friends outside your work environment:

If you are only working or avoiding any interaction outside work, then set aside some time to go out with friends outside your work environment. You may go and engage in some activities that make you happy. Try to get out and meet people outside work, as these can also initiate a fulfilling private life. If you have a good rapport with your office colleagues, try to adhere to the policy of discussing work-related matters only in-office hours.

Do not confine your identity only within work:

Our work lives form an immensely crucial element of our identity. In professions where there are no fixed check-in and check-out times, the borderline between personal and work life can be distorted. So, it is highly imperative that you also have a non-work identity. For example, take up a hobby of your choice, make time for friends outside your work circle, go on vacations for some days, go for watching movies or an exhibition or music concert, go for a walk, etc. You can also exercise, which will keep your body and mind fit and healthy.

Wrapping Up!

If you pay attention to the above points, you can be able to separate your personal and professional life without much hassle. Try to incorporate these into your life to lead a peaceful and balanced life.