Accessibility is one thing that benefits everyone, not just disabled people but helps in creating an Inclusive World.
“I wish for a world that views disability, mental or physical, not as a hindrance but as unique attributes that can be seen as powerful assets if given the right opportunities.” – Oliver Sacks

“We should celebrate neurodiversity — the world would be poorer and life duller if we were all the same.” – Neil Milliken

“Let’s stop ‘tolerating’ or ‘accepting’ difference, as if we’re so much better for not being different in the first place. Instead, let’s celebrate difference, because in this world it takes a lot of guts to be different.” – Kate Bornstein
“The only disability is when people cannot see human potential.” – Debra Ruh
“If disabled people were truly heard, an explosion of knowledge of the human body and psyche would take place.” – Susan Wendell

“Focus not on the differences of people with disabilities but the talent of the individual.” – Neil Milliken
“When speaking of disabilities, the blind and their needs are most often used as an example. It is deceivingly simplistic since accessibility is something most of the population can benefit from.” – Marcus Österberg
“Accessibility allows us to tap into everyone’s potential.” – Debra Ruh
“The one argument for accessibility that doesn’t get made nearly often enough is how extraordinarily better it makes some people’s lives. How many opportunities do we have to dramatically improve people’s lives just by doing our job a little better?” – Steve Krug
“The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” — Tim Berners-Lee

“Accessibility is not a feature, is [sic] a social trend.” – Antonio Santos
“It is a waste of time to be angry about my disability. One has to get on with life and I haven’t done badly. People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.” — Steven Hawking
“Who said we want to conform to the norm? Celebrate & embrace our differences.” – Neil Milliken

“We need to make every single thing accessible to every single person with a disability.” – Stevie Wonder