HomeRule BreakersAshley Smith: Founder of Batana Babe, Championing Pure Batana Oil and Ethical...

Ashley Smith: Founder of Batana Babe, Championing Pure Batana Oil and Ethical Business Practices

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As part of the Morning Lazziness series about empowering women who encourage and do incredible things with their ideas in society, I had the pleasure of interviewing Ashley Smith.

Ashley Smith is the owner of Batana Babe, a company dedicated to sourcing and retailing 100% pure Batana Oil from Honduras. She champions ethical business practices that uplift and support local communities.

Here’s what we found out about Ashley’s daily routine, followed by an exclusive Q+A.

Can you share the story behind your journey as an entrepreneur and what inspired you to start your own business?

The story behind my journey as an entrepreneur began with my fascination for the potency and purity of natural beauty remedies and their transformative effects on hair and skin. While studying for my Business Administration degree, I became captivated by Batana Oil for its unique properties and the remarkable results it offered. I was inspired to share this hidden gem with a broader audience who, like me, sought organic and effective solutions for their beauty needs.

Venturing into the unknown with my company Batana Babe wasn’t just about selling a product; it was about introducing a philosophy of purity and ethics in business. My inspiration stemmed from a desire to offer a product that I believed in while simultaneously contributing positively to the communities in Honduras that cultivate this oil. As a minority woman in business, this endeavor resonated with me on both a professional and personal level, inculcating a sense of purpose in my entrepreneurial journey.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in the business world, and how have you overcome them?

Facing challenges as a woman in the business world was an inevitable part of my journey. The blend of skepticism and bias often presented additional hurdles to overcome. Gender-related barriers, difficulties in accessing funding, and the challenge of balancing assertiveness with approachability became prevalent themes early in my career.

I overcame these challenges through resilience, educating myself extensively, and leaning on a support network of mentors and peers. I’ve learned to confidently assert my expertise and vision in business contexts, negotiate assertively, and, importantly, retain my authenticity. Nurturing relationships with other businesswomen and entrepreneurs has also played a significant role, allowing me to draw strength from collective experiences and wisdom.

I’ve strived to transform each challenge into an opportunity for growth, ensuring that the quality of our product and the integrity of our brand message speaks volumes and stands as a testament to overcoming the gender-based obstacles in the entrepreneurial landscape. By staying true to my values and maintaining a high standard of excellence in all aspects of Batana Babe, I’ve built not just a brand, but a community that recognizes and supports the empowerment of women in business.

How do you balance your professional and personal life as an entrepreneur?

Balancing my professional and personal life as an entrepreneur has been an ongoing learning process. When I started Batana Babe, I was fully engrossed in the business, and it was tough to find time for myself or my loved ones. Over time, I’ve realized that work-life balance is crucial for sustainability and creativity. Here are a few practices I’ve implemented:

  • Setting Boundaries: I give myself designated work hours and try my best not to let work spill over into my personal time. This isn’t always feasible when you own a business, but setting the expectation helps.
  • Prioritization: I prioritize tasks by urgency and importance – not everything needs my immediate attention. This way, I can focus on what truly matters each day.
  • Delegation: Building a trusted team has been vital. It’s important to delegate tasks to team members who share your vision.
  • Self-Care: I make time for activities that rejuvenate me, like yoga and reading. This helps me return to work with a fresh perspective.
  • Quality Time: Scheduling uninterrupted time with family and friends helps me recharge and reminds me why I’m passionate about my business in the first place.

What strategies have you found most effective for networking and building connections in your industry?

Networking has been integral to the growth of Batana Babe, and I’ve used a variety of strategies to build connections in the beauty industry:

  • Attending Industry Events: Trade shows, seminars, and workshops are great places to meet like-minded professionals. Being present and engaging at these events has opened doors for collaborations.
  • Social Media and Online Communities: Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and specialized forums have been invaluable for connecting with peers, potential customers, and influencers.
  • Local Business Groups: Joining groups in the Denver area has helped create a support network of local entrepreneurs.
  • Offering Value: When networking, I always try to offer value rather than just seeking benefits for myself. This could be in the form of advice, referrals, or partnerships.
  • Following Up: After meeting new contacts, I always follow up with a personalized message to establish a meaningful connection.

These strategies have not only expanded my professional network but have also led to lasting friendships and collaborations that have been instrumental in growing my business.

How do you approach mentorship and seek guidance in your entrepreneurial journey?

In my entrepreneurial journey, I approach mentorship with an openness to learning and a recognition that I don’t have all the answers. Early on, I realized the necessity of seeking guidance from those with experience, as their insights could help me navigate through the unpredictable terrain of business ownership. To seek mentorship, I actively network with individuals both within and outside the beauty industry, joining forums such as local entrepreneur meetups and leveraging online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with potential mentors.

I seek mentors who have a track record of integrity and whose business approach aligns with the ethical standards we uphold at Batana Babe. It’s important for me that my mentors understand the nuances of ethically sourcing products and maintaining quality without compromise. Regular check-ins, honest conversations about challenges, and anchoring meetings around specific issues are ways I engage with my mentors. They have been pivotal in helping me refine my marketing strategies, improve quality assurance protocols, and scale my product development processes while maintaining the integrity of our offerings.

Can you talk about a specific setback or failure you’ve experienced in your business and how you bounced back from it?

One specific setback occurred during our first year in operation, where we faced a sudden disruption in our supply chain due to unforeseen political instability in Honduras. It was a daunting challenge as our entire business model hinges on the direct sourcing of Batana Oil from this region. This disruption meant we couldn’t fulfill orders and risked our reputation as a reliable supplier.

I bounced back by first communicating transparently with our customers about the cause of the delay and our efforts to resolve the issue. I learned early on that customers appreciate transparency and become more understanding when included in the problem-solving process. Concurrently, we worked on strengthening our supply chain by diversifying our local contacts and developing alternate logistic routes to minimize the risk of future disruptions. This experience taught us the critical importance of supply chain resiliency in international trade, which has since become a cornerstone of our operational strategy, ensuring that our customers always receive their purchases on time.

In what ways do you prioritize diversity and inclusion within your company or startup?

Diversity and inclusion are integral to the identity and ethos of Batana Babe. Being a BIPOC-owned family business, we inherently understand the importance of creating an inclusive environment. We practice this by ensuring representation across the board, from our small team of employees to the partners and influencers we collaborate with. In our hiring process, we prioritize a broad outreach to include diverse candidates and employ a fair and unbiased selection process.

Further, the very nature of our product and business model emphasizes the importance of inclusion — Batana Oil’s benefits are universal, addressing haircare needs for a diverse range of hair textures and types. Ethically, we’re also committed to supporting the indigenous communities in Honduras by making sure they are fairly compensated and directly benefit from our business. On the marketing side, we ensure that our messaging and branding reflect the diversity of our customer base, showcasing real stories and individuals from all walks of life.

Finally, we make an effort to keep learning and improving by soliciting feedback from our team and customers. We create space for open dialogue on social issues and provide educational resources to foster a corporate culture that values empathy and understanding. Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords for us; they are intrinsic values that we actively embody in our operations and corporate identity.

How do you stay motivated and resilient during tough times in your business?

Staying motivated and resilient during tough times in my business comes down to a blend of personal passion and strategic thinking. When I’m faced with challenges, I remind myself of why I started Batana Babe in the first place: my belief in the power of natural products like Batana Oil, and my commitment to supporting the communities in Honduras that help source it. Reminding myself of that core mission re-centers my focus.

Moreover, I rely on a strong support network that includes family, friends, and other entrepreneurs. Sharing experiences and seeking advice from those who have faced similar situations often provides me with fresh perspectives and strategies to overcome hurdles. I also maintain a flexible mindset, ready to adapt and pivot when necessary, ensuring the business stays dynamic and resilient.

Lastly, self-care plays a critical role in resilience. Entrepreneurship is demanding, so ensuring I take time to recharge is key to maintaining my mental and emotional well-being, which in turn helps me stay motivated.

What advice would you give to other aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

To other aspiring women entrepreneurs just starting out, my advice is:

  • Trust your vision: You’ve embarked on this path for a reason, so stay true to your vision and let it guide your decisions.
  • Embrace learning: You will face a steep learning curve, and it’s important to be open to new knowledge and skills.
  • Build a support network: Connect with mentors, join entrepreneurial groups, and don’t be afraid to seek advice from those with experience.
  • Start small and scale up: There’s value in starting small, learning the ropes, and then scaling your business as you gain confidence and resources.
  • Prepare for challenges: Entrepreneurship involves setbacks. Prepare mentally for challenges and view them as opportunities to grow and learn.
  • Celebrate your victories: No matter how small, each achievement is a step forward in your entrepreneurial journey, so take the time to celebrate your successes.

Remember, perseverance and adaptability are key to success, and your unique perspective as a woman can be a powerful tool in business. Always aim to add value and make a difference, just as I aim to do every day with Batana Babe.

What is one quote you live by that has guided you in your entrepreneurial journey?

One quote that I truly live by and that has guided me on my entrepreneurial journey is, “Quality is not an act, it is a habit,” by Aristotle. This philosophy has been foundational for Batana Babe. My emphasis on delivering pure, high-quality products consistently has not only set my business apart but also enabled me to build trust with my customers. I integrate this commitment to quality into every facet of my business, from sourcing to final product delivery.

Can you share a memorable success or milestone that you’ve achieved in your entrepreneurial career?

A memorable success that I’ve achieved in my entrepreneurial career would definitely be the breakthrough when Batana Babe became known for its purity and efficacy in the market. I consider this success a milestone because it signified that the hard work put into maintaining the exceptional quality of Batana Oil was recognized and valued by customers. This was reflected in the repeated purchases and personal testimonials shared by our user community. Reaching this point not just affirmed our business model but also underscored the core values that Batana Babe stands upon—quality, authenticity, and community impact.

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