HomeRule BreakersElizabeth Nelson: Empowering Wellness Through Farm Fueled Nutrition

Elizabeth Nelson: Empowering Wellness Through Farm Fueled Nutrition

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As part of the Morning Lazziness series about empowering women who encourage and do incredible things with their ideas in society, I had the pleasure of interviewing Elizabeth Nelson.

Elizabeth Nelson, the founder of Farm Fueled Nutrition, is a wife, mom, and advocate for the power of whole foods in promoting wellness and longevity. After experiencing personal loss due to illness and disease, Elizabeth was inspired to create a business that encourages others to live healthy, long lives. At 52 years old, she is passionate about helping other women feel better and stronger about their bodies.

Here’s what we found out about Elizabeth‘s daily routine, followed by an exclusive Q+A.

Can you share the story behind your journey as an entrepreneur? What inspired you to start your own business?  

The inspiration behind my journey in founding Farm Fueled Nutrition stems from a personal experience of losing friends and family to illness and disease. This profound loss ignited a desire to give back and make a positive impact in the field of health and wellness. Growing up in Iowa, where farming is a part of my heritage, I developed a deep appreciation for the connection between food and well-being. Now being a small food grower in NW Montana, I created Farm Fueled Nutrition as a platform to inspire others to grow their own food and embrace the healing power of nutritious, farm-fresh ingredients.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in the business world, and how have you overcome them?

As a woman in the e-commerce industry with a superfood greens product, my biggest challenge is the intense competition. The superfood greens market is big with competitors right now, making it crucial to stand out and differentiate myself and my brand. However, by leveraging my expertise, knowing my exact demographics, conducting thorough market research, building a strong brand, and networking with like-minded individuals, I feel like I am overcoming these challenges and thriving in the e-commerce space.

How do you balance your professional and personal life as an entrepreneur?

Balancing my personal and professional life as an entrepreneur can be demanding, yet it’s the most rewarding thing I’ve done for myself. After struggling with loss and loneliness after the death of my parents and 2 closest friends, finding something I’m passionate about became my biggest endeavor.  I run a homestead and my husband travels for work; I even homeschooled our kids for a few years so I knew I could balance life well as an entrepreneur. I work really hard and love the accountability of needing to get things done every day.

What strategies have you found most effective for networking and building connections in your industry?

This is probably my favorite part of the business. I love networking and sharing my story. I believe my story is what sets me apart and what’s unique to my brand. Farm Fueled Nutrition was birthed through the pain of loss and finding hope again. I have met so many amazing people on this journey and I’m super excited for all the opportunities to connect while waiting to happen.

How do you approach mentorship and seeking guidance in your entrepreneurial journey?

I actually reached out to a coaching company in the beginning stages which really helped me narrow down my product and gave me direction with amazing resources. I think everyone needs a coach at different stages during the entrepreneurial journey. The contacts, resources, guidance, accountability, all play apart in my continual success; and the coaches have now become friends. Every business owner knows you can’t do it alone.  

Can you talk about a specific setback or failure you’ve experienced in your business, and how you bounced back from it?

For me it’s always about moving forward, I think the hard times developed that tenacity in me. Yeah, I have days when everything doesn’t seem to be going right, and I just tell myself ‘I’m still learning’. We had a house fire a few years ago, renters put hot coals on our back porch and completely destroyed our house that my husband and I spent 6 years building. We spent most of the last 2 years rebuilding it together, while at the same time building this brand. I know how important it is to keep going.

How do you stay motivated and resilient during tough times in your business?

Like I said, tough times have been a part of my life, so I’ve had to be resilient. I have a pretty powerful WHY?, and that is my main motivation. I believe when you work for something bigger than yourself, it makes you stronger. I have gained a lot of inner strength through loss which makes it easier to deal with the hard times in business. I have a lot of people who are no longer with me that are a reminder of why I am working so hard. Their spirit encourages me every day.

In what ways do you prioritize diversity and inclusion within your company or startup?

I work with a lot of different people, and in this business of e-commerce, most people work from home so you don’t really know their backgrounds. I work with people from all around the world, different races and cultures, and I love the diversity. 

What advice would you give to other aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

I have a new coaching program too where I encourage women to pursue their dreams. There will always be something, and there is never the ‘right’ time. I have 2 things that have gotten me to where I am. 1) taken from Mel Robbins, “The 5 Second Rule”, as soon as you dream it, do it. Don’t let that moment go by. And 2) Do one hard thing everyday! That’s my rule, I created!  If you can get past that one hard thing that you created to be hard in your mind, you will succeed.  One day at a time!

Can you share a memorable success or milestone that you’ve achieved in your entrepreneurial career?

Everything I’ve done this past year has been a memorable milestone. When you first start out, it is all a dream. But little by little, each contact I made created new opportunities. One person led me to the next!  And here I am now, over one year later, in retail shops, selling all across the country, and even have a sponsorship with NASCAR. I have an article in NASCAR Magazine coming out in a few weeks. Take the chance. And create something amazing!

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