HomeRule BreakersLyda Smith: From Corporate Side Hustle to Leading Self-Publishing Maven

Lyda Smith: From Corporate Side Hustle to Leading Self-Publishing Maven

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As part of the Morning Lazziness series about empowering women who encourage and do incredible things with their ideas in society, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lyda Mclallen.

While working in corporate for over 8 years, Lyda Smith not-so-secretly helped authors promote their books as a side hustle. In 2017, she decided to pursue this passion full time, aiming to provide authors with the same PR and marketing success she had delivered to influencers, bestselling authors, CEOs, and major brands.

Since then, Lyda and her team have assisted authors in selling hundreds of thousands of books, winning awards, becoming international bestsellers, embarking on cross-country book tours, and featuring in major outlets like BBC, Vogue, Huffington Post, and the New York Times. Their efforts have even helped authors achieve viral success.

By 2019, Lyda had re-launched Talk+Tell as a comprehensive self-publishing company. Today, she helps authors produce beautiful, marketable books that reflect their goals and visions, transforming dreams into reality.

Here’s what we found out about Lyda’s daily routine, followed by an exclusive Q+A.

Can you share the story behind your journey as an entrepreneur? What inspired you to start your own business?

Today, I am a book publisher and owner of Talk+Tell. For the last 8 years, I have worked with some of the most amazing and talented authors and writers from around the world. Together, we have built their stories into profitable books that are both timeless and loved by readers.

But it took a lot of work and major changes to get where I am today.

Over a decade ago, I faced the toughest decision of my career: leaving my dream job at a publishing house to dive into the competitive world of big corporate. Why? Because the publishing industry, with its old-school ways and lack of transparency, felt limiting. I craved change. I wanted to start my own publishing company, one that would break down barriers and offer authors the latest strategies and tools that big publishers often overlook. So, I took the leap, climbed the corporate ladder, and learned the systems and strategies that could help authors gain major success both outside and inside the publishing industry. It wasn’t long until Talk+Tell was born, and since then, I’ve helped hundreds of authors go from manuscript to bestselling book.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in the business world, and how have you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced as a woman in the business world was initially feeling like I had to step into my masculine energy to be successful. I thought I needed to adopt a more traditional, assertive approach, as that’s often what seemed to be valued in the corporate environment. However, I soon realized that this wasn’t the only way to achieve success.

I’m a girls girl, I love the color pink, I love romance, flowers, I tend to wear mostly dresses, and I’m very feminine. At first, I felt I had to hide these aspects of myself to be taken seriously. But as time went on, I found that the more I embraced my authenticity and let my true personality shine, the more my business grew. When I started being true to myself, authors and writers wanted to connect with the real me. They appreciated my genuine approach and felt more comfortable and inspired working with someone who was unapologetically herself.

By stepping into my authenticity, I not only overcame the initial challenge of feeling out of place but also created a unique and successful business. My experience has shown me that authenticity is a powerful asset, and being true to who you are can lead to genuine connections and significant growth.

How do you balance your professional and personal life as an entrepreneur?

Lyda Mclallen

Balancing my professional and personal life as an entrepreneur comes naturally to me because my work doesn’t feel like work. I love reading, and outside of the books I publish, I read 100 books a year. This passion for reading seamlessly blends my professional and personal life.

However, I do set boundaries for myself to maintain a healthy balance. I have established working hours that all my authors are aware of, ensuring that my work time is respected. Additionally, I create morning rituals that help me transition into work mode while prioritizing my health. These rituals include journaling in the morning, going for a short walk, and enjoying a cup of coffee.

What strategies have you found most effective for networking and building connections in your industry?

he best strategy I’ve found for networking and building connections in the book publishing industry is to be authentic and share everything I know about the industry. I genuinely want to help all writers and authors understand the behind-the-scenes of the book world.

To do this, I share a lot through social media, blog posts, and my Facebook group. I love talking about the ins and outs of publishing, and people appreciate the transparency. By being open and supportive, I’ve built a strong community around my work. Authors and writers want to connect with someone who is real and genuinely interested in their success.

How do you approach mentorship and seeking guidance in your entrepreneurial journey?

I approach mentorship and seeking guidance in my entrepreneurial journey by staying open and always looking to learn from others. I believe that no matter how much you know, there’s always more to learn. I love following other entrepreneurs in other industries to see what they are doing to gain success as well. 

Can you talk about a specific setback or failure you’ve experienced in your business, and how you bounced back from it?

One of the biggest setbacks I experienced was right when COVID-19 started. As a book publisher, we handle a lot of books and manage all of our authors’ printing and distribution processes to get their books into the hands of readers. Once the pandemic hit, printing stalled, and it became much harder to get books printed and distributed to online retailers.

To bounce back, we had to quickly pivot. We looked into local printers who turned out to be incredibly helpful and amazing. Additionally, we shifted our focus to ebook sales, which more customers were looking for at the time. This quick adaptation not only helped us navigate the challenges brought by the pandemic but also opened new opportunities for our authors. By being flexible and resourceful, we managed to keep things moving and continue supporting our authors during a difficult time.

In what ways do you prioritize diversity and inclusion within your company or startup?

We prioritize diversity and inclusion within our company by actively seeking out and publishing a wide range of voices and stories. We believe that everyone has a unique perspective to share, and we strive to reflect that in the books we publish.

How do you stay motivated and resilient during tough times in your business?

I stay motivated and resilient during tough times by practicing self-love, journaling, and listening to inspirational podcasts. Journaling helps me process my thoughts and stay focused, while podcasts provide motivation through stories of resilience and overcoming challenges. These habits keep me grounded and inspired, helping me navigate difficulties with a positive mindset.

What advice would you give to other aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

My advice to other aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting out is to believe in yourself and your vision. Don’t be afraid to take risks and pursue your passion wholeheartedly. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and advisors who can provide guidance and encouragement along the way.

One of my best tips is to recognize the importance of focus. It’s tempting to want to do everything at once, but spreading yourself too thin can hinder your success. Instead, prioritize and focus on the most critical tasks that align with your goals. By concentrating your efforts, you’ll achieve greater results and make more significant strides toward your entrepreneurial aspirations.

Can you share a memorable success or milestone that you’ve achieved in your entrepreneurial career?

One of the most memorable successes in my entrepreneurial career is seeing our authors’ books come to life and achieve widespread recognition. Holding their published books in my hands is an indescribable feeling of pride and excitement, knowing that we’ve played a part in bringing their stories to the world.

Witnessing our authors’ milestones, like book signings or seeing their books prominently displayed in bookstores, is equally rewarding. From having their books featured in big retailers like Costco, Barnes & Noble, and Indigo, to appearing in independent bookstores across North America, each achievement is a testament to our collective hard work and dedication.

These moments of success not only validate our efforts but also serve as inspiration to continue pushing forward and helping more authors achieve their dreams. Seeing the tangible results of our work is incredibly fulfilling and motivates us to keep striving for even greater milestones in the future.

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