HomeRule BreakersSilvia Lupone: A Travel Expert and Owner of Stingray Villa in Cozumel

Silvia Lupone: A Travel Expert and Owner of Stingray Villa in Cozumel

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As part of the Morning Lazziness series about empowering women who encourage and do incredible things with their ideas in society, I had the pleasure of interviewing Silvia Lupone.

Since 2008, Silvia Lupone has been sharing the beauty of Cozumel with guests from around the world. With extensive experience in the travel and resort industry through her work with Vista Del Mar Boutique Hotel, Cozumel Bar Hop Tours, Odyssey Tours, and Royal Holiday Club, Silvia is dedicated to making each guest’s stay unforgettable, whether they’re seeking adventure or relaxation.

Here’s what we found out about Silvia’s daily routine, followed by an exclusive Q+A.

Can you share the journey that led you to become an entrepreneur and the inspiration behind starting your own business?

My entrepreneurship journey started in 2012 when I encountered a small vacation rental in Cozumel called Los Alcatraces. Something special about it just clicked with me. I bought it because I saw its potential to offer travelers a warm, personal experience. That was the beginning.

After getting Los Alcatraces, I got to work advertising it to the public, and soon enough, it became a welcoming spot for visitors. Then, in 2019, with the success of that first venture and my growing passion for hospitality, I felt ready to take things to the next level. That’s how Stingray Villa Cozumel came to be.

Stingray Villa reflects everything I love about the island. My goal was simple—to create a place where guests could feel at home and have an unforgettable experience. It’s been a fantastic journey, and I’m proud to share this part of Cozumel with travelers from all over.

As a woman in the business world, what challenges have you encountered, and what strategies have you used to overcome them?

As a woman in business, especially in Mexico, I’ve faced my share of challenges. While our culture is open to women taking leadership roles, there’s still this underlying tension regarding young women handling money and running businesses. I’ve had moments where I could sense men weren’t taking me seriously, or they assumed I didn’t know what I was doing just because I’m a woman. It can be frustrating, but it’s also pushed me to work harder.

One strategy I’ve used is always to be prepared and confident in what I know. I ensure I fully understand my business inside and out, from the numbers to the logistics, so that no one can question my expertise. Another thing that’s helped is building solid relationships with people who respect my leadership, both men and women. I’ve surrounded myself with a supportive network that lifts me, and that’s been an enormous boost in staying motivated.

I also don’t shy away from standing my ground. When someone underestimates me, I clarify that I’m calling the shots. It’s not always easy, but being assertive has helped me earn the respect I deserve. It’s about proving that my skills and determination speak louder than people’s assumptions.

How do you effectively manage the demands of your professional life while maintaining a healthy personal life as an entrepreneur? 

Balancing the demands of being an entrepreneur while maintaining a healthy personal life can be tricky, but I’ve learned to navigate it over time. A big part of what makes this possible is having my husband, Greg, by my side. With his 25 years of experience in the restaurant industry, he understands what it’s like to juggle the pressures of running a business, and that has been a massive support for me.

Greg has an incredible work ethic and attention to detail that have rubbed off on me. When things get overwhelming, he’s always there to remind me to step back, prioritize, and not let stress take over. He’s helped me see the importance of setting boundaries—like carving out time to relax, go on a date night, or enjoy a quiet evening together. Separating work from personal life would be much more challenging without his support.

We also share responsibilities. While I focus on the bigger picture with our business, Greg’s experience helps us make intelligent decisions about managing resources and dealing with people. Having that balance between us, where we can lean on each other’s strengths, has made all the difference in keeping our professional and personal lives running smoothly.

What networking strategies have proven most effective in building meaningful connections within your industry?

One of the most effective networking strategies I’ve found is being part of worldwide groups like boostly.co.uk and Facebook groups like the “Hospitality Hosts Network.” These communities have been a game-changer for me because they connect me with other professionals in the industry who share similar experiences, challenges, and goals. It’s not just about making contacts—learning from others, sharing advice, and getting support from people who genuinely understand the business.

For me, it’s all about being active in these groups. I regularly participate in discussions, offer advice where I can, and ask questions when I need help. That’s where the magic happens—when you’re engaging with others and building genuine relationships, not just looking for what you can get out of it. Over time, I’ve built meaningful connections with people from all over the world, and we help each other out, whether sharing tips on improving guest experiences or talking through business challenges.

Another strategy I’ve found effective is attending industry webinars and virtual meet-ups. Through platforms like boostly, I’ve had the chance to learn from experts and connect with like-minded hosts. These interactions expand my network, help me stay on top of trends, and help me find new ways to improve what we offer at Stingray Villa. It’s about putting yourself out there and being open to learning and collaborating.

How do you seek out mentorship, and what role has it played in your entrepreneurial journey?

Seeking out mentorship has been a huge part of my entrepreneurial journey, and I’ve been intentional about it from the start. I’ve learned that no matter how much you think you know, there’s always room to grow, and having the right mentors by your side can make all the difference.

I’ve been lucky to receive guidance from some incredible people in the industry, like Mark Simpson of Boostly, who has been an enormous help in marketing and building a solid brand. Alison Carsley-Lebatard of Haus Schneeberg has given me valuable insights into running a vacation rental business with a personal touch. At the same time, Alan Egan of Vacation Soup has shared his knowledge on content creation and building an online presence. And then there’s Daniel V. Rusteen from Optimize My Airbnb—his expertise in maximizing the potential of Airbnb listings has helped me fine-tune my approach.

When finding mentors, I seek people who have walked my path and faced similar challenges. I usually start by following their work, whether it’s reading their blogs, attending their webinars, or joining groups where they’re active. Over time, I’ll reach out with specific questions or ask for advice, and I’ve found that most people in this industry are more than willing to share their knowledge.

Mentorship has played a considerable role in helping me avoid common pitfalls, think more strategically, and push myself further than I would have on my own. It’s about learning from the best and using that guidance to grow my business and entrepreneurial confidence.

What strategies have you found most effective for selling your products and reaching your target audience?

Social media has been a game-changer in selling my products and reaching my target audience. In today’s world, it’s essential to be active where people are spending most of their time, and that’s online. We’ve found that the most effective strategy is to focus heavily on social media—we use seven different channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Each platform has its audience, and by being present on them, we can reach a wide range of people.

Managing all these channels could quickly become overwhelming, but that’s where buffer.com comes in. It’s our social media channel manager, and it’s a lifesaver. With Buffer, I can schedule posts ahead of time, track engagement, and stay on top of everything without feeling buried in it. It helps me keep our content fresh and consistent across all platforms, which is vital for staying visible and relevant.

I’ve also learned that it’s not just about posting regularly—about posting content that resonates with people. We mix up the posts with beautiful photos of Stingray Villa, behind-the-scenes glimpses of life in Cozumel, and tips for travelers. Engaging with comments and messages is also a big part of our strategy because building relationships with potential guests helps foster trust and loyalty. Social media truly is king when it comes to connecting with people and driving bookings.

What marketing techniques have you employed to promote your products successfully, and how do you measure their effectiveness? 

Direct email marketing is one of our most successful techniques for promoting our products. We use Mailchimp to send monthly emails to our past guests, and it’s been a great way to stay on their radar. The key for us is consistency—by sending something out once a month, we can remind people of their great experience with us, and it keeps Stingray Villa fresh in their minds.

Our emails aren’t just about promotions; we also share updates, travel tips, and little insights about what’s happening in Cozumel. This helps us stay connected with our guests on a personal level. And we can see the impact—every time we send out a mailing, we notice a spike in bookings. It’s proof that this technique works, and Mailchimp’s tools help us track opens, clicks, and engagement, so we know exactly what’s resonating with people.

For us, measuring effectiveness is pretty straightforward. We’re on the right track if we get bookings and positive responses after each email.

Can you describe a significant setback or failure in your business and the steps you took to recover from it?  

One of the most significant setbacks we’ve faced was the impact of Covid-19 on our business. When we started in 2012, there were only about 200 listings in Cozumel on Airbnb, so the competition was manageable. Fast forward to 2024, and that number has exploded to over 2,000 listings. But even with all the competition, nothing hit us harder than the pandemic, which stopped tourism.

When the lockdowns happened and bookings dried up, we knew we had to adapt quickly or risk losing everything we’d built. That’s when we returned to the drawing board and developed a strong “book direct” strategy. Instead of relying heavily on third-party platforms like Airbnb, we focused on driving direct bookings through our website and building stronger relationships with our past guests.

We also improved our marketing, using email campaigns, social media, and networking to reach new guests and remind past guests about Stingray Villa. By the time tourism started picking up again, we came out stronger than before. Our changes during that time helped us bounce back faster, and we’ve never looked back since. It was a challenging experience, but it taught us how to be resilient and find new ways to grow.

What key piece of advice would you offer to aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting their journeys? 

My key piece of advice to aspiring women entrepreneurs is simple: don’t give up. There will be challenges, setbacks, and moments where you feel like nothing is going your way, but you must keep fighting because there’s always a solution. It might not come immediately and be easy, but if you stay persistent and keep pushing forward, you’ll find the answer.

Being an entrepreneur takes grit and resilience, especially as a woman, but it’s also enriching. Trust in yourself, lean on your support network, and remember that every problem has a way through it. Keep believing in your vision, and don’t let the tough times knock you off course. You’ve got this!

Is there a specific mantra or quote that resonates with you and guides your actions as an entrepreneur?

One quote that resonates with me and guides my actions as an entrepreneur is, “Do not build your house on someone else’s land.” This mantra reminds me of the importance of creating something truly mine and not relying too heavily on external platforms or circumstances. 

In the business world, putting all your efforts into what others have built can be tempting, like relying solely on Airbnb for bookings. But I’ve learned that building a strong foundation—like our direct booking strategy—gives me more control and security over my business. It encourages me to invest in my vision and create a space reflecting my values and goals. Every time I face a decision, I remember this quote and focus on making choices that solidify my path as an independent entrepreneur.

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