HomeRule BreakersSophillia Tagaban: Founder of Heart Blaster, Championing Social Awareness Through Fashion

Sophillia Tagaban: Founder of Heart Blaster, Championing Social Awareness Through Fashion

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As part of the Morning Lazziness series about empowering women who encourage and do incredible things with their ideas in society, I had the pleasure of interviewing Sophillia Tagaban

Sophillia Tagaban started Heart Blaster after her husband Gilbert created an Instagram account for their daughter Janelle @heartblaster and asked his followers to support her new venture with her dad. They sold 75 t-shirts in 2 days. From then on Sophillia has taken the lead on creating their brand, Heart Blaster, with the intention of bringing awareness, communication, and consciousness to social issues that create barriers for all of us in the world today through fashion!

Heart Blaster is a kids and young adult brand that sells boys and girls clothes and accessories. In a changing world they are bringing visual representation of friendship, love, and equality through their clothing. Heart Blaster collaborates with some amazing graffiti artists and graphic designers to create their unique style. Kids and young adults everywhere can’t get enough of Heart Blaster!

Here’s what we found out about Sophillia’s daily routine, followed by an exclusive Q+A.

Can you share the story behind your journey as an entrepreneur? What inspired you to start your own business?

When I was a kid I would sew with my grandmother. I dreamed of being a news anchor or a professional ice skater. I loved to draw. I have always been a good writer and a very meticulous kid. I was very sensitive, and I knew that I shared a love for people and social justice early on. I studied Human Services in college. I found a love for philanthropy and community. I have always been very driven in my life. I do not take no for an answer when it is something I believe in. I have always had that big entrepreneurial energy ! Somehow, all of the things I love have carved out a trajectory in this life that I could not have imagined ! My passion,interests and my kids are what have inspired me to start my own business. The endless possibilities are what drive me!

What challenges have you faced as a woman in the business world, and how have you overcome them?

As a driven woman, I have never liked asking for help, even as a child. It was challenging at the start of my business when there were a lot of new details to figure out, and not enough feedback or support around. I have learned that a lot of times, it is all you. You have to figure it out and trust your abilities to learn, and grow. The proof is in your work! I have learned that talking things out loud to myself or someone else,  just for support, is super helpful to my process. There are many challenges in the business world and as a woman, so make sure you are surrounded by love and support even if they can not help you. Having a strong foundation around you will keep you going and inspired. Remembering that I am a constant growing force has helped me overcome what’s in front of me, and excited to see what’s next!

How do you balance your professional and personal life as an entrepreneur?

Balance is tough as a business professional and mom. I don’t know that there is ever equal balance in our daily lives. Some days business or the family will require more of me but never less. Mom duties are always there, and finding the time for everyone is important. Having a light plan with flexibility is helpful for having a successful week. I think of balance as a fluid process that is always shifting in our daily agendas. The most important part of balance is in our intentions to be fully present, and remembering that work and personal commitments require real quality time and attention. I think balance is a feeling that we get, when we are practicing self care, staying hydrated, meditating, and resting so we can thrive in both areas. 

What strategies have you found most effective for networking and building connections in your industry?

Heart Blaster has developed a network that is authentic in our connections. We established relationships early on with youth organizations, and nonprofits. Connecting with like minded people and professionals is easy, when your mission is at the forefront of the brand. This is always our starting point in all areas of business and network. It has never been about strategy for HB. 

How do you approach mentorship and seeking guidance in your entrepreneurial journey?

I am lucky to have established relationships with some amazing mentors. Chris Grunge is my partner and mentor. He has been in fashion and branding long before me. We clicked, we shared a passion for fashion and kids and we started HB together. I met Chris through a good mutual friend. He is always there for guidance, and we enjoy the journey! In the nonprofit space, I have amazing people around me that will share contacts for other mentors, when they see fit. Some are meant to stay for a short while and others will be with you along the way. It is important to learn the difference.

Can you talk about a specific setback or failure you’ve experienced in your business, and how you bounced back from it?

I don’t see challenges this way. I don’t believe our setbacks are failures. I see a challenge and I find it exciting to analyze it and find knowledge that will support a stronger outcome. Or, I see it as a sign to leave it behind, which is also a positive. A setback is an indication that something is not working. Figure out why, is it worth it? And don’t stay there for too long or it will actually set you back. I guess, that’s the bounce back!

In what ways do you prioritize diversity and inclusion within your company or startup?

Diversity is a part of who we are as a Brand. I am a Filipino, Spanish and Portuguese, Indigenous Mexican American. I grew up in Phoenix Arizona, Santa Cruz California, and the San Francisco Bay Area. I am a minority woman of color who deeply values identity. Our right to ourselves, our culture, and without bias. To be inclusive is without restraint to create something that is for the hearts of everyone. Heart Blaster will continue to grow and stay committed to our mission to serve the community and bridge equity. 

How do you stay motivated and resilient during tough times in your business?

The love and drive I have for my work motivates me everyday. There is so much I want to do on both sides of the brand and nonprofit. I have not scratched the surface! I recently went through some tough times with my health. It was the most challenging experience I have ever had. I think sometimes life asks us to sit down. There was nothing I could do to get better faster. I had to trust that this time was also meant for me. It gave me the time to analyze a lot of things and I made conscious changes in my life during this time. Honor the time it takes to work through it. Know that it is temporary.  

What advice would you give to other aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

Keep learning about yourself and your business with a fierce energy to find joy and interest in your forever growing personal and professional path!  Passion is always worth following because it’s the one thing that we can trust. 

Can you share a memorable success or milestone that you’ve achieved in your entrepreneurial career? 

Having two established businesses are milestones that I am very proud of. There is always work to be done in business, but having a strong foundation to grow on is the most important achievement. My greatest success is knowing that I did it on my own. 

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