HomeRule BreakersSusana Chen & Jess Wu: Co-founders of Never Have I Ever Shop

Susana Chen & Jess Wu: Co-founders of Never Have I Ever Shop

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As part of the Morning Lazziness series about empowering women who encourage and do incredible things with their ideas in society, I had the pleasure of interviewing Susana Chen & Jess Wu.

Susana Chen

Susana Chen is the co-founder of Never Have I Ever Shop, the first artist-licensed press-on nail brand. With a background in design leadership, creative strategy, and brand positioning, she has helped shape the company’s core values and unique market presence. Before her start-up venture, Susana worked as a creative consultant for Fortune 500 companies and served as Senior Global Brand Manager at OPPO. She also serves on the board of the Asian Creative Foundation.

Jess Wu

Jess Wu is the co-founder of Never Have I Ever Shop, the first artist-licensed press-on nail brand. With over a decade of experience in global e-commerce and supply chain management, she has held leadership positions at Alibaba.com, OPPO, and Edelman, where she led product marketing initiatives and developed innovative solutions. Her strategic problem-solving and robust connections drive both business growth and creativity.

Can you share the story behind your journey as entrepreneurs and what inspired you to start your own business?

Susana Chen: Our journey began with a shared passion for creativity and a desire to bring something new to the beauty industry. Both Jess and I come from strong backgrounds in design, creative strategy, and global e-commerce, and we noticed a gap in the market for high-quality, artist-licensed press-on nails. We were inspired to create a platform where art could be worn and experienced in a completely new way. The idea of turning unique artworks into reusable, salon-quality press-on nails felt like the perfect way to merge our love for art with beauty.

Jess Wu: The concept of “wearable art” really resonated with us. We wanted to create a brand that not only offered stunning, instant looks but also empowered artists by giving them a new avenue to monetize their creativity. The beauty industry is constantly evolving, and we saw an opportunity to revolutionize it by making art accessible in a form that anyone could enjoy and express themselves with. That’s how Never Have I Ever was born.

What challenges have you faced as women in the business world, and how have you overcome them?

Jess Wu: As women entrepreneurs, we faced significant challenges, especially in the early stages. The biggest challenge was capital. We bootstrapped Never Have I Ever with our own savings, which meant we had to be incredibly strategic with every penny we spent. Being women in a male-dominated industry also came with its own set of hurdles, including being underestimated and having to constantly prove our credibility.

Susana Chen: We overcame these challenges by being resourceful and resilient. We quickly built a network of over 100 artists, each bringing unique and special designs to our collection. We established processes to ensure that our partnerships with creators were mutually beneficial and sustainable. Our dedication to our vision and our ability to build strong relationships within the industry helped us overcome these challenges and grow our business.

How do you balance your professional and personal life as entrepreneurs?

Susana Chen: Balancing professional and personal life as entrepreneurs is definitely a challenge, especially with a startup that’s growing as rapidly as ours. We’ve learned the importance of setting boundaries and being intentional with our time. Delegation has also been key—we trust our team to handle the day-to-day operations, which allows us to focus on both the big picture and our personal lives.

Jess Wu: We also make it a point to take time for ourselves. Traveling, exploring new places, and finding inspiration outside of work help us recharge and stay motivated. It’s about making sure that we’re present in whatever we’re doing, whether that’s running the business or spending time with loved ones.

What strategies have you found most effective for networking and building connections in your industry?

Jess Wu: Authenticity and collaboration have been at the heart of our networking strategy. We’ve always believed in building genuine relationships with people who share our values and vision. Whether it’s partnering with artists, collaborating with other brands, or connecting with industry leaders, we focus on creating mutually beneficial relationships.

Susana Chen: Social media has also been a powerful tool for us. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow us to connect with our audience and industry peers in real-time. We’re also active in industry events, which provide opportunities to meet and learn from others in the beauty and creative sectors. Networking is about being open, listening, and being willing to share and support others.

How do you approach mentorship and seek guidance in your entrepreneurial journey?

Susana Chen: Mentorship has been crucial for our growth. We’ve both been fortunate to have mentors who have guided us through the challenges of entrepreneurship. We actively seek advice and feedback from those who have more experience, and we’re always open to learning from others.

Jess Wu: At the same time, we’re passionate about giving back. We’ve taken on mentorship roles ourselves, particularly with aspiring women entrepreneurs and creatives. We believe that mentorship is a two-way street—it’s about sharing knowledge and experiences while also being open to new ideas and perspectives. It’s a continuous learning process.

Can you talk about a specific setback or failure you’ve experienced in your business and how you bounced back from it?

Jess Wu: One of the biggest setbacks we faced was the challenge of managing rapid growth. When we expanded to 200 Urban Outfitters stores in just two months, it tested our supply chain and distribution capabilities. We realized that we needed to quickly scale our operations to meet the demand without compromising on quality.

Susana Chen: We approached this challenge by being flexible and adaptable. We reassessed our processes, optimized our supply chain, and made the necessary adjustments to keep up with our growth. Rather than viewing it as a failure, we saw it as an opportunity to improve and strengthen our business. By staying resilient and focused, we were able to overcome the setback and continue growing.

In what ways do you prioritize diversity and inclusion within your company or startup?

Susana Chen: Diversity and inclusion are at the core of Never Have I Ever. We’ve built a diverse team that reflects our commitment to different perspectives and ideas. Our collaborations with over 100 artists from various backgrounds are a testament to our dedication to representing a wide range of voices and styles.

Jess Wu: We believe that diversity drives innovation, and we prioritize creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard. This not only applies to our internal team but also to the artists we work with and the customers we serve. We’re committed to fostering a community where creativity and individuality are celebrated.

How do you stay motivated and resilient during tough times in your business?

Jess Wu: Our passion for what we do is a huge motivator. We’re driven by our belief in the brand and the impact we want to make. When times get tough, we remind ourselves of why we started and the people who believe in us—our team, our artists, and our customers. That keeps us going.

Susana Chen: Resilience comes from staying focused on the long-term vision and not getting discouraged by short-term challenges. We also lean on each other for support. Having a co-founder who understands the journey and shares the same goals makes a big difference. We’re in this together, and that’s a powerful source of motivation.

What advice would you give to other aspiring women entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

Susana Chen: Believe in yourself and your vision. The road may be tough, but if you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it will be worth it. Surround yourself with supportive people, seek out mentors, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember that setbacks are part of the journey—use them as learning experiences to grow stronger.

Jess Wu: Take risks and embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and innovate. Build a strong network, stay true to your values, and always be open to new ideas and perspectives. Most importantly, trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to carve your own path.

What is one quote you live by that has guided you in your entrepreneurial journey?

Jess Wu: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill. This quote has been a constant reminder for us that entrepreneurship is about perseverance and resilience. It’s not about avoiding failure, but about having the courage to keep going no matter what.

Susana Chen: Another quote that resonates with us is “Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse. This reflects our belief that being bold and innovative, even when it’s risky, is essential to building something truly unique. It’s a reminder to always push the boundaries and stay true to our creative vision.

Can you share a memorable success or milestone that you’ve achieved in your entrepreneurial career?

Susana Chen: A significant milestone for us was winning the Cosmoprof Innovation Award 2024. Being recognized by such a prestigious industry competition was an incredible validation of our vision and the hard work we’ve put into building Never Have I Ever. It reinforced our belief in the power of creativity and innovation in the beauty industry.

Jess Wu: Another memorable milestone was seeing our products in 200 Urban Outfitters stores just two months after our launch. It was a huge moment for us to see our vision come to life on such a large scale, and it was a testament to the strength of our brand and the demand for something new and unique in the beauty space.

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