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Green Tea for Weight Loss, Fact or Myth

Did you indulge much in sweets and delicious treats during the holiday season and family gatherings? Have you made a resolution to shed a...

These 5 Zodiac Signs Fights the Most

There are many types of people that wait for you to say something you do not exactly mean to, and it doesn’t matter how...

Coffee And A Day At The Office: Does It Help?

People are drinking more coffee than ever before. A 0.5% rise was seen in coffee consumption between 2019 and 2020, according to the International Coffee...

What Is The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid? Know The Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet (MD) is considered to be one of the healthiest dietary approaches. Thanks to a combination of foods rich mainly in antioxidants...

The Microbiome and its Importance for Digestion

The microbiome is a collection of trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in your body - a large of which live in your gut....

How To Decorate Your Home According to Zodiac Sign

Did you know there are characteristics and ‘power colours’ associated with each sign of the Zodiac? Here are some ideas to help you decorate...

How The Vegan Diet Could Help Improve Your Health And The Planet

The health benefits of a vegan diet are getting more attention each day, and many health professionals are in its favor. The question is, whether it...

The Bra You Should Wear Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Sometimes making the smallest change can make the biggest difference. All it takes is choosing a bra that’s right for you to make you...

How Drinking Tea Can Lower Your Life Insurance Rates

Did you know different herbal teas can benefit your health? Well, if you did not know, you do now! Besides being a multi-seasonal beverage,...

What Really is The Harm From Processed Foods

We have all been there, we've opened that bag of chips (or insert other processed food), we smell it.  It may bring back smells from...

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