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Muscle Strength Vs. Muscle Endurance: The Beginner’s Guide to Getting Fit

Building muscle strength takes an entirely different approach than building muscle endurance. Yes, there is a difference between these two types of training. Still,...

7 Tips To Gain Muscle Strength

Muscle strength is essential for good health. And, striving to gain muscle strength becomes increasingly vital as your age and start to gradually lose...

The 8 Chakras: A Meditation Unlike Any Other

I’ve been a huge advocate and have been practicing meditation for the past 3 years now to help with my overall mental health. I...

PCOS Revealed: Understanding the signs and symptoms

Understanding PCOS and getting a clear diagnosis is half the battle. Many women and even their doctors remain perplexed by thy syndrome’s constellation of...

PCOS? This is What Dr. Kim Langdon Wants You To Know

What is PCOS? A polycystic ovarian syndrome that causes irregular menstrual cycles, ovulation problems, hormone disturbances, primarily increased androgens like testosterone, hair growth in unwanted...

5 Surprising Benefits of Male Orgasm

**This is a sponsored post** Orgasms have more to offer than just sexual pleasure. They connect couples in a stronger bond and help you sleep...

Foods to Avoid with PCOS (and What to Eat Instead)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome affects a significant number of women of childbearing age, with 1 in 10 suffering from the condition.  Many women are misdiagnosed with...

Partners With These Zodiac Signs Fight the most

It’s no secret that every couple fights. Relationships are tricky, and outside forces, bad moods, and children often get in the way. In a...

8 Interesting Facts About Magic Mushrooms That You Should Know About

**This is a sponsored post** What puts the “magic” in “magic mushrooms”? Let’s find out!  Mushrooms come in different shapes and sizes. With over 50,000 recorded...

What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Relationship With Exercise

Our relationship to exercise has to do with our personality and motivation. We know that logically, exercise is an essential element of our health...

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