As a part of the Morning Lazziness series about empowering women who are encouraging and doing incredible things with their ideas in society, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kerensa Ward.
K’Essential Blends promotes optimum mental and mindful living. Alining your body, mind, and soul to thrive. Their products are formulated with some of the richest and purest herbs such as lavender & Eucalyptus.
Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
My name is Kerensa Ward, Certified life coach, mental health ambassador, and wellness advocate. I currently serve as the CEO/Founder of Coach K.Ward and K’Essential Blends LLC. Both brands are dedicated to promoting optimum mental health and mindful living. My Entrepreneurship career was birth in the midst of the pandemic, successfully coaching over 20 clients utilizing guided medication, self-care tips, and strategies to combat mental health concerns.
Through life coaching, K’Essential Blends was birthed, natural and cruelty-free essential oil blends dedicated to promoting self-care and wellness. Within the past two years, I’ve developed a wellness community while utilizing my social media platforms to empower, uplift, and educate our community to overcome unexpected barriers.
Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

The most interesting story that happened while I began my career is accidentally becoming an entrepreneur. Prior to becoming a certified life coach, I served as a hospital discharge planner, dedicated to ensuring safe discharges; I ended up booking a life coach to assist me with how to overcome and combat being “burnt out” I ended up going to the group session becoming intrigued and taking the class before I knew I was certified. The Pandemic hit, and I can get an overflow of clients. The alignment was surreal but a very transformative journey—cheers to becoming.
What do you specialize in, and why should someone choose you over your competitors in your field?
I specialize in Mental Health & Wellness, Motivational Coaching, and personal development.
What are the three things that mostly helped your online business succeed?
Three things that helped my online business to succeed :
1. Great Marketing
2. Great Branding
3. Social Media Presence
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
I have used my success to empower, encourage and uplift communities on the importance of self-care and wellness. It’s essential to take care of ourselves, to better serve others.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
Jeff Lindor, owner and founder of Gentlemen’s factory, has definitely encouraged me to transform and scale my business to the next level. I participated in his Entrepreneur incubator program which helped me to create a business plan, learn to pitch, and effectively price my products and services.
What were your most important challenges? & How did you overcome those challenges?
The most important challenges included generating brand exposure. Overcame those challenges through my networking and utilizing my social media presence.
What’s your piece of advice for readers who want to achieve wealth and success in life?
Believe in yourself and your vision.
What do you think is the key to a truly successful online business?
Have a great marketing strategy, Be consistent, and Improve the service/product experience.
What’s your business model? How does your online business make money?
Identify my target audience – Identify the problem I’m solving- evaluate market trends-develop products- Brand- Create a business canvas plan – Launch to the world.
Where do you see yourself and your business in five years?
In five years, I see myself owning a storefront and wellness space to curate an aromatherapy experience for my community not only to be educated on the importance of wellness and self-care but to introduce holistic remedies and tools on how to combat mental health concerns.
What’s your piece of advice for people who want to quit their 9-5 job and start a business?
Develop a plan before you quit your 9-5 or day job. Do your research, and make sure you have start-up costs or funders.
What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve made in starting or running your business?
Utilizing my savings to fund my business has been my biggest sacrifice in starting my business, but definitely worth it.
The future of the digital world might be ruled by blockchain and cryptocurrency. Do you think it would be challenging for all age groups to gain knowledge about the same? How can we educate them?
It maybe is challenging for some people to adapt to new trends and currencies, education is key, to learning new trends. I would recommend familiarizing yourself with new technologies and reading blogs, news, and headlines to gain knowledge.
What do you think could be the future of NFT? How useful can they be for everyone?
NFT has the potential to be useful and of great value. Creating a future where visibility looks different. It can be very useful because it’s something if the value cannot be interchanged.
Do you think NFTs, which are open to virtual reality, could adversely impact our health due to increased screen time?
Yes most definitely, Any over-exposure or use of a particular device for an extended period of time, has the ability to cause long-term health effects.
What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?
1. Get a business Mentor- You need the guidance
2. Generate a business plan- You have to have a plan, to follow and keep you accountable
3. Free small business resources- Instead of investing all my savings, utilize Small business grants and loans
4. Don’t Give up: Even when the experiences get tough, don’t abort the process.
5. Move at your own pace. There is no rush or competition.
What would you tell yourself ten to twenty years ago that you wish you knew then?
Dream big, and don’t give up. Everything you want to accomplish is on the other side of fear.
Lastly, what do you think this world needs the most?
I think the world needs more unity and peace, we are stronger together.