HomeSex & RelationshipsIs Having Sex in Water Safe?

Is Having Sex in Water Safe?

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So, you and your partner are bored of the conventional ways of having sex and are in the mood for something more experimental. While thinking of innovative places or ways to have sex, you can experiment with the temperature, pressure, depth of water – there are immense possibilities. 

Sex in water sure sounds exciting, intimate, and fun, but is it safe? Before you ready your bathtub, jump into the pool or get into the shower, we suggest you learn about the pros and cons of water sex in and out and then choose whether you want to try it or not. 

If your first question is whether it’s really possible to have sex in water, then by now, you must’ve got the answer – yes, it is. But is it restricted to your bathroom? Nope, it’s not. 

So, where can you all have water sex?

Honestly, like mentioned earlier, the possibilities are immense. You can have sex:

  • In the shower
  • In the bathtub
  • In the pool
  • In an open water body such as river/ lake/ ocean 

However, it is not that easy. There are many things you need to know and take care of before you get intimate with your partner in the water. 

Things to know before having water sex

The pros and cons will change depending on the location of water sex you and your partner choose. We have compiled all of them to get a general overview of all the problems and the possible safer tips and tricks. 

Water can wash away your natural lubrication. 

All this while, if you have believed that water is a good lubricant, let us inform you that it is a myth. In fact, water will wash away all the natural lubrication produced by your vagina and make the area really dry. So, instead of enhancing pleasure, water sex can produce quite the opposite result. The friction created can cause uncomfortable pain. 

Secondly, the lack of enough lubrication can lead to micro vaginal tears. If your partner is wearing a condom, the heightened friction can even tear the condom, increasing the risk of getting pregnant. 

What can you do?

Lube is the answer. But, picking the right one is crucial. Out of the many varieties available, silicone-based lube will work best in water. Water-based lube can wash away too quickly, and oil-based lube is not recommended when using a condom as it can cause it to break.  

You could contract a UTI. 

Pools and other open water bodies like rivers, lakes, or the ocean carry harmful bacteria. There are chances this bacteria can enter your urethra during sex and travel to other parts of your urinary system – the kidneys, bladder, ureters.

It can eventually lead to a urinary tract infection that produces symptoms like burning sensation while urinating, pain and tenderness in the lower abdomen, difficulty in passing urine, increased frequency of urination, and high-grade fever with chills in severe cases. 

What can you do?

It is best to avoid open waters as you cannot control the bacteria there. In pools, chlorine does kill bacteria. However, it is still not the safest option as it can lead to other infections, if not UTIs

You could get a yeast infection. 

Having water sex also increases your risk of contracting a yeast infection. The chlorine in pools can mess with the natural pH level of your vagina that prevents infections. The imbalance in the pH levels can give room for yeast infections. You will notice a thick, white, curd-like, or cottage cheese discharge that is odorless as well as itchiness in the vagina. 

What can you do?

If you want to try out water sex, try it in your own tub of water than in a pool or other water bodies. Stay away from adding bubbles, bath salts, or oils to the water, as that may also increase your risk of developing a urinary tract infection.

You are at risk of getting an STI.

If you thought water could wash away everything and prevent you from infections, you are wrong, once again. In fact, the micro vaginal tears or the condom breaking due to increased friction increases your chances of receiving or giving an STI during sexual contact.  

What can you do?

Using lube is one way to avoid friction and the condom from breaking. You and your partner must also get tested for STIs and ensure none of you are infected. 

It increases the risk of accidents. 

In the shower, you will mostly be having sex in standing positions. Although it’s really hot and exciting, everything from the walls to the flooring is really slippery. Hence, it increases your risk of slipping and injuring yourself. Secondly, if you are in the pool or an open water body, there is a risk of drowning in the deep waters if you get carried away in the heat of the moment. 

What can you do?

In the bathrooms, use anti-skid mats on the floor to prevent yourself from slipping and falling. In pools and other water bodies, try to be in the shallow waters so that you do not drown. You can even take the support of the walls of the pools for grip and sturdiness. 

You can still get pregnant. 

Do not be under the impression that water sex can prevent you from getting pregnant. If you are having unprotected sex and your partner ejaculates inside you, you can still get pregnant. Furthermore, even if you are having protected sex, there are high chances the condom can break due to the friction. However, ejaculating in water is not going to make you pregnant. 

What can you do? 

Obviously, use a condom. But since condoms may not be the most effective protection, consider other birth control methods such as IUDs or birth control pills to be on the safer side. 

What care should you take after having sex in water? 

Sex aftercare is absolutely necessary for both partners. Do not miss these steps – cleanliness and hygiene should be prioritized. 

  • Pee after having sex: It is to ensure that all the bacteria transferred during the act is flushed out. 
  • Wash up after sex: After water sex, gently clean your private parts with warm water to ensure hygiene. It will also help get rid of any bacteria present in that area. 
  • Hydrate yourself: Being in the water for long can dehydrate your body. Hence, rehydrating yourself by drinking enough water is important. It will also help to flush out any toxins and bacteria. 

While water sex sounds exciting, it has its own set of cons too. Looking at the number of potential risks involved, it is advisable to stay away from having sex in water. However, if you are feeling risque, go ahead and explore only after taking all the safety precautions! 

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