HomeSex & RelationshipsIs Morning Sex Better? Why Should You Have Morning Sex?

Is Morning Sex Better? Why Should You Have Morning Sex?

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What could be better than Morning Sex? Though SEX is SEX, Morning Sex is more addictive than coffee and much tastier than breakfast.

Waking up next to your favorite person and indulging in cuddling leads to a steamy sex session is an excellent way to kick-start the day and make you ready to take on the world!

Admit it; morning sex has become the second-most lovely thing among couples.

Why is Morning Sex better for health?

Morning Sex gives the body a tremendous boost to have a beautiful day! 

It’s an old age conflict, Morning Sex vs. Evening Sex. Usually, men wake up aroused, so morning is the prime time. On the other hand, women love to have evening sex when they are free from household chores and children are put to bed. So why did this happen?

Testosterone difference:

Between six and nine o’clock in the morning, men experience a spike in their testosterone, and to capitalize it, a good morning erection is necessary. In contrast, women do have a low amount of testosterone in the morning as compared to the evening.


Women generally prefer to clean themselves after intimating, and for goodness sake. We barely can’t sleep in those sweat and genital odors; hence early morning sex comes with tons of benefits. Since men are not much into the sense of smell, they want to wrap around the warm body of their love and feel the closeness.

The difference in hormone cycle:

Men can experience a 25-50% difference daily in their morning testosterone. However, women don’t experience such changes in testosterone daily, but at the time of ovulation – it may increase to a dramatic level as what men experience.

So, here are the pulses that allow you to make the most of morning sex.

Early is better:

You are opening your eyes gently, watching your love stroking your back, complimenting your naked body, and kissing your neck, rubbing your genitals, rolling his hands all over your sexy body. Can you imagine a better way to wake up in the morning?

Morning Sex is appealing and refreshing; your body is also very receptive to touching and cuddling. Early morning sex is always great. After sex, the hormone vasopressin rises, prompting men to feel a more emotional attachment.

Well rested:

You both have 8 hours of good sleep. That means your body is recharged and ready for the day. Also, you are having morning sex, and your body feels tingly and excited. The house is quiet, which adds excitement to the sex; you can go for more than one round, and each round of orgasms brings a mind-blowing feeling that even the deepest nap cannot beat. Have Morning Sex. You’ll still have plenty of energy left over for the workday.

Strengthen the Immune system:

Sex is always good; it’s a cure to many health hazards, from keeping the immune system fit to the medicine of glowing skin. Morning Sex even enhances infection-fighting antibodies in the body. So, invest in Good Morning Sex. 

Great way to burn extra calories: A Good Morning Sex = 30 minute Cardio.

What a great way to stay fit and healthy? Every time you do sex, you burn those extra calories.

Sex is like exercise. It releases a good hormone called Endorphins. Endorphins are released into the bloodstream to reduce anxiety and stress. So, if you are dealing with early morning headaches and aches, sex can work as a wondrous pain-reliever. It will instantly turn on your mood with a great big smile on your face.

No one ever tried to refuse early morning sex:

Sex does not require you to be rocket science. So, why do people beg off having sex? Maybe you had a tough day at work, are not feeling good, or have mood swings. These are common reasons people use when they are least interested in having sex at night, mainly. But, when it comes to gorgeous morning sex, it’s time to show your skills; as the sun rises, trigger yourself. You both wake up fresh from sleep, so don’t let the work be an excuse.

Hence, the secret to healthy and glowing skin lies under the sheets. Make intense foreplay, and spend time in a post-morning-sex cuddling session.

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