10 Foods to Help You Lose Weight

Leafy greens are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great addition to your weight loss diet.

Leafy Greens

Whole eggs are a great source of protein and healthy fats. They also contain important nutrients like choline, which helps in weight loss.

Whole Eggs

Salmon is an excellent source of protein and healthy omega-3 fats. It is also low in calories and can help you feel full for longer time.


Beans and legumes are high in protein and fiber, which helps you feel full and satisfied. Examples - lentils, chickpeas, and black beans.

Beans and Legumes

Greek yogurt is high in protein and can help you feel full for longer. It is also a good source of calcium and probiotics.

Greek Yogurt

Berries are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great snack for weight loss.


Quinoa is a good source of protein and fiber. It can also help you feel full and satisfied, making it a great addition to your weight loss diet.


Nuts are high in protein and healthy fats. They can also help you feel full and satisfied.


Avocado is a good source of healthy fats and fiber, making it a great addition to your weight loss diet.


Chicken breast is a great source of lean protein. It is also low in calories and can help you feel full for longer time.

Chicken Breast