Blake Lively Quotes Every Woman Needs in Her Life

"I'm not afraid to be sexy. But I think it's important to be sexy on your own terms."

"I'm not a damsel in distress. I don't need rescuing. I'm the one who does the rescuing."

"I've never been afraid of failure."

"If you're so worried about what everyone else thinks, you're living for them, not yourself."

"Women are not one-dimensional. We can be strong and be feminine. We can be successful and be mothers. We can have it all."

"I never ask permission. I just do it."

"I don't chase endorsement deals. I chase dreams."

"I wouldn't be envious of anybody. I know where I'm going, and I know what I want."

"I don't care about fitting into a mold. I'd rather break the mold."

"I don't take myself too seriously."

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