Inspiring Quotes from Priyanka Chopra to Live By

"You don't know what curves life will throw at you. You should have the ability to take care of yourself and the people you love."

"Courage comes from knowing your truth and standing up for it. Only then is it special."

"You can be an absolute woman and also be smart and tough and not lose your femininity."

"It's okay to not know what you want - as long as you know what you don't want."

"The one thing I wear best is my confidence. That's what I'd recommend to everyone."

"There's only one you. Understand who you are, your uniqueness."

“I know I’m flawed – but perfect is boring anyway! Flawed is good!”

"Life just keeps moving. You have to keep your blinkers on. Find what you do best and keep moving."

10 Inspirational Quotes By Princess Diana