Sudha Murthy Quotes On Relationships

These quotes by Sudha Murty reflect her wisdom and insights into relationships, emphasizing the values of love, trust, respect, communication

"Good relationships, compassion and peace of mind is more important than achievements"

 “It is very difficult to earn trust. It takes years to build and it can be destroyed in an instant by one bad deed. Trust requires an enormous amount of integrity and you have to prove every time that you are worthy of it.”

With my experience in life, I want to tell you that having good relationships, compassion and peace of mind is much more important than achievements, awards, degrees or money.”

“Who is the best friend to a man and a woman?” The answer is: “A wife to her husband and a husband to his wife.”

“Mythology has largely been written by men and focusses on men – on wars and men, who went to war. But, there are women who influence the decisions of men.”

“When someone gets cheated, that person gets upset not because they have lost money but because he or she realizes that they have been foolish enough to be tricked by someone.”

“There is a difference between loneliness and solitude. Loneliness is boring, whereas in solitude you can inspect and examine your deeds and your thoughts.”

“She says the secret to her positivity lies in the simplest of things: gratitude for each and every simple pleasure of life.”

“Men can do certain things well and women other things. Men and women are complementary to each other. One need not prove one’s strength.”

“Life after marriage is a battle. Only a few are truly lucky.”

“Life after marriage is a battle. Only a few are truly lucky.”