Yoga Quotes to Help You Connect with Your Body and Mind

These quotes help you to remember the importance of being present in your yoga practice, and to listen to your body as you move.

Uplifting Yoga Quotes

"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."

"Yoga is not about touching your toes, it's about what you learn on the way down."

"Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are."

"Yoga is the art of awakening the wisdom within."

"The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness."

"The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness."

"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured."

"Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony."

"Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame."

"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."

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