Black tea with bold and invigorating flavors to match their strong and confident personality.
Herbal tea with soothing and calming qualities, perfect for a grounded and reliable Taurus.
Green tea with a bit of caffeine for their energetic and curious nature, but also with a fruity and refreshing taste.
Chamomile tea with a gentle and comforting aroma, perfect for the nurturing and sensitive Cancer.
Rooibos tea with a sweet and distinctive flavor to match the confident and charismatic Leo.
White tea with a delicate and subtle taste, perfect for the meticulous and detail-oriented Virgo.
Rose tea with a romantic and sweet aroma, perfect for the balanced and harmonious Libra.
Spiced tea with strong and intense flavors to match the passionate and mysterious Scorpio.
Ginger tea with a fiery and adventurous taste to match the free-spirited and optimistic Sagittarius.
Oolong tea with a rich and complex flavor, perfect for the disciplined and ambitious Capricorn.
Hibiscus tea with a unique and unconventional taste to match the creative and independent Aquarius.
Lavender tea with a calming and dreamy aroma, perfect for the intuitive and imaginative Pisces.